Qingdao launches 15 campaigns to activate the city - Be responsible for implementation and bring vitality to the city (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 23-09-2019 |
Qingdao (ots) -
The success of the 2018 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
Summit brings Qingdao to not only the spotlight of global stage but
also the new starting point of development. To deeply carry out
President Xi Jinping's important instruction of "properly organizing
a summit to activate a city and building it into a modern
international metropolis" and CPC Shandong Provincial Committee's
requirement for building Qingdao into the province's bridgehead
toward global opening-up and development, Qingdao has launched 15
campaigns, formulated and implemented plans to crack the nuts in its
urban development and strive to activate the city and forge a new
strategic pivot for the in-depth opening-up in the northern side of
Yangtze River since the beginning of this year.
The 15 campaigns are in the aspects of ocean development,
investment and talent attraction, transport infrastructures,
military-civil integrated development, rural rejuvenation,
development breakthroughs in Pingdu and Leixi, construction of an
international center of shipping, trade, finance and innovation,
high-end manufacturing + AI, further reforms in SOEs, private economy
enhancement, sci-tech driven city, urban quality improvement,
international vogue city, efficient Qingdao and safe Qingdao. The 15
campaigns are also 15 reform issues. Victory in the campaigns will
fulfill President Xi's instructions and CPC Shandong Provincial
Committee's requirements for Qingdao and showcase the city's spirit
of brave practice.
The 15 campaigns represent the top-level design for the city's
development. During the period from April 14 to June 2, a total of 15
defenses in the evenings were held on the plans of these campaigns.
Each defense lasted four to five hours with about 700 participants.
The defense group made up of municipal leaders and persons in charge
of relevant departments introduced the implementation plans
consisting of overall requirements, tasks and measures via PPT
presentations and video data. Nearly 30 people including municipal
leaders, experts, scholars, representatives of commercial chambers,
associations and entrepreneurs as well as municipal-, district- and
department-level directors submitted questions or gave suggestions.
The defenses streamlined the tasks, reasons and methods through
brainstorms to drive people at all levels to shoulder the
responsibilities of policy formulation, increase the systematicness,
entirety and collaboration of policy formulation and implementation,
improve the reasonableness, prudence and stability of public
policies, and cultivate the cadres' ability to face the mass and
The conclusion of the defenses means the start of the campaigns.
The implementation plans for the 15 campaigns were modified,
improved, and then approved by the CPC committee and municipal
government of Qingdao one by one, and publicized on Qingdao Daily as
commitments to the society. Prior to the annual sessions of
municipal-level people's congress and CPPCC, defenses on the progress
of the plans will be held to facilitate the supervision by the
municipal-level people's congress and CPPCC, the media and the public
and boost the full-range transparency of the policies.
Currently, Qingdao is focusing on the campaigns and taking
immediate actions. It will consistently push forward the work in a
coordinated way, make breakthroughs in reform and development,
accelerate the construction of an open, modern, vital and fashionable
international metropolis and realize the beautiful blueprint
President Xi delineated for the city.
Zhu Yiling
Tel. 0086-532-85911619
Website: http://www.qingdaochina.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qingdaocity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/loveqingdao
Original-Content von: Stadt Qingdao, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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