Wirecard wins Singapore's most popular gourmet restaurant chain as a new client for digital payments to ensure a seamless customer journey
Geschrieben am 24-09-2019 |
Aschheim (Munich)/Singapore (ots) -
- Paradise Group has a wide presence in Asia, with over 100
gourmet outlets across the region
- Wirecard will handle all digital transactions from major card
schemes in Singapore through a Unified POS solution
- Customers in Singapore can choose their preferred payment method
for a seamless checkout experience which will include QR code
Wirecard, the global innovation leader in digital financial
technology, is collaborating with Paradise Group, one of the most
popular restaurant chains in Singapore, to offer seamless payments
solutions. With this cooperation in place, Wirecard will handle all
credit and debit card transactions from major card schemes in
Singapore through a Unified POS solution. Customers in Singapore will
benefit from greater flexibility and options to pay, which will also
include QR code payments. Together, Paradise Group and Wirecard offer
a state-of-the-art customer journey.
Eating out is a major trend in Singapore - with 55% of
Singaporeans eating out weekly and 24% eating out daily according to
recent figures from Nielsen. This compares to 37% who ate out once or
twice a week five years ago. With over 100 outlets across Asia,
Paradise Group is one of the most popular Singapore-based restaurant
chains known for its innovative and unique dining concepts. The
restaurant group's brands include among others Taste Paradise, Beauty
in The Pot and Paradise Dynasty. The chain has outlets in Singapore,
Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines,
and Myanmar.
"We are delighted that Paradise Group has selected us as their
preferred payment partner," said Alson Lau, Head of Business
Development APAC at Wirecard. "This is a testament of Wirecard's
digital payment expertise in the food and beverage industry, and our
ability to understand the evolving needs of both our merchants and
customers. We are proud to deploy our payment technology to Paradise
Group, where their customers will benefit from greater flexibility
and choice when they dine at any of the restaurants in Singapore."
"Customers today are increasingly adopting contactless payment
methods, and it is important for us to ensure that they are able to
pay in a way that is fast, easy and widely accepted," said Lin
Sifang, Senior Marcom Manager at Paradise Group. "As a pioneer in
digital payments, Wirecard is the ideal partner for us to deliver the
seamless payment experience that meets our customers' needs. By
leveraging Wirecard's digital platform, we are able to streamline our
workflow to improve operational efficiency, thereby enhancing
customer experience. We look forward to exploring future
collaboration with Wirecard as we continue to expand our business
Watch this video to explore more about the daily lifestyle habits
in Singapore: https://youtu.be/8IHn0-Ww60A
About Wirecard:
Wirecard (GER:WDI) is one of the world's fastest growing digital
platforms in the area of financial commerce. We provide both business
customers and consumers with a constantly expanding ecosystem of
real-time value-added services built around innovative digital
payments by using an integrated B2B2C approach. This ecosystem
concentrates on the areas of payment & risk, retail & transaction
banking, loyalty & couponing, data analytics & conversion rate
enhancement in all sales channels (online, mobile, ePOS). Wirecard
operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets and
holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card
networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX
and TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Visit us on www.wirecard.com, follow
us on Twitter @wirecard and on Facebook @wirecardgroup.
About Paradise Group:
Paradise Group Holdings Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based restaurant
group that was incorporated in 2008 by two directors, Mr Eldwin Chua
who is the Chief Executive Officer and his brother, Mr Edlan Chua,
the Chief Operating Officer. Since its first Seafood Paradise outlet
in 2002, Paradise Group has built a food and beverage empire of 13
brands in Singapore and Asia. To date, the brands include Taste
Paradise, Paradise Teochew, Seafood Paradise, Beauty in The Pot,
Paradise Dynasty, Canton Paradise, Paradise Classic, Lè Fish
Restaurant, Lè Roast Chicken, LèTen, Paradise Hotpot, ParaThai, Le
Shrimp Ramen, LeNu and One Paradise, a catering concept by Paradise
Group. The group currently runs close to 50 restaurants in Singapore
and over 60 restaurants overseas in Malaysia, Indonesia, China,
Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, and Myanmar. For more info,
visit www.paradisegp.com.
Wirecard media contact:
Wirecard AG
Jana Tilz
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4424 1363
Email: jana.tilz@wirecard.com
Paradise Group media contact:
Lin Sifang
Tel.: +65 6487 6489
Email: sifang@paradisegroup.com.sg
Original-Content von: Wirecard AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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