First Digital Health Osteoarthritis Wearable Glove System Starts Pre-launch Pilot Trial Series & Medical Tests
Geschrieben am 30-09-2019 |
Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) - QUANTIC NANOTECH
(, a product division of Spanish DEMAC S.A.
group who presented the first home wearable osteoarthritis treatment
glove system "QNANO GLOVE (" during the last
CES 2019 Edition in Las Vegas, announced today the opening of free
treatment sign-up registration ( for a
new medical pre-launch pilot trial series for patients in selected
hospitals in Madrid. Due to high demand, this new period is open for
any user during a limited period until October 15th, 2019 (HIPAA
( certified secure server in AWS
Dr. Luis F. Villa, M.D., Rheumatology consultant at University
Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda in Madrid said:
'This device attracted our attention because it allows home
application in the affected hand of different therapies of
evidence-based proven clinical efficacy, during rest or at night'.
And also declared:
"The treatment of hand osteoarthritis is cumbersome and resource
consuming, relying on physical assisted therapy and topical and oral
medications. We are interested in the results of the pilot studies,
since a home-based device for multimodal physical therapy could make
it easier and cheaper for the treatment of patients with this
frequent condition'.
Quantic Nanotech therapeutic all-in-one glove integrates
( revolutionary technologies such as shape
memory alloys (SMA ( and
state-of-the-art materials for appliance of dry heat therapy,
vibration, massage as well as stretching and extension of the fingers
both active and passively. It also allows the administration of
topical medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAID), liniments and neuromodulators.
First conclusion papers of clinical studies in patients with hand
osteoarthritis are planned to be reported within Q4 2019 and Q1 2020.
The therapeutic Quantic Glove is simple and compact. It has been
designed for use at home, controlled by smartphones or internet and
it also allows remote control by health professionals.
The product has been awarded internationally at various shows like
InPEX Pittsburgh (, etc, and recently
it has also won a new 2019 Technology Innovator Award ( in August
2019 from AI Global Media, UK, 2019 CV-MAGAZINE (
QUANTIC NANOTECH is closing Round A capital raise with aim for
rapid worldwide implementation of the product under a patent license
model system.
Rheumatism & Osteoarthritis is a very common disease and a major
cause of sick leave worldwide, with USD$ 304 Billions of total
medical and earning losses just in the US alone - approximately
equivalent to 1% of US gross domestic GDP (Source: -
QUANTIC NANOTECH will be attending GITEX Exhibition in DUBAI
( Oct 6-10th 2019 in FUTURE STARS
About HIPAA (
ots Originaltext: QUANTIC NANOTECH
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