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Vecima Wins Two 2019 Broadband Technology Report (BTR) Diamond Technology Review Awards

Geschrieben am 30-09-2019

New Orleans, Louisiana (ots/PRNewswire) - - Vecima Networks Inc.
(TSX:VCM) announced today it won two 2019 Broadband Technology Report
(BTR) Diamond Technology Review awards: one for its MediaScaleX //
StorageTM solution and one for its EntraTM Video QAM Manager (VQM).
Highly reputable in the cable and telecom industry, the awards are
based on a variety of criteria, including unique technological
innovation, ease-of-use, efficiency, reliability, and contribution to
profitability, and is judged by panel of executives from operators
such as Buckeye, Comcast, Charter, Cox, Mediacom, and Rogers.

MediaScaleX // Storage is a media optimized, software-defined
storage system built for the unique use case challenges inherent to
the media and service provider industries. The transition to IP-based
video storage and delivery, and the requirement to store DVR copies
in the cloud, has some operators struggling to build out scalable
infrastructure that can meet the demands of rapidly increasing
customer requirements. MediaScaleX // Storage is differentiated in
that it answers the market need for performance, scale, and
efficiency by leveraging multiple commodity storage technologies
seamlessly to meet the workload demands and the data retention
demands required by today's time shifted use cases and network DVR.
These complex requirements are uniquely addressed in a cost-efficient
manner with commodity hardware and through an innovative hybrid
object storage technology.

"Over the course of creating four generations of media optimized
storage products, Vecima has developed a data interface layer and
storage architecture that is highly suited to the demands of IP video
storage and distribution, especially for cloud DVR use cases," said
Mr. Stephen Blinick, Senior Director of Storage Research &
Development at Vecima. "Our optimized interface library meets the
challenge of latency spikes observed in small and top-tier MSO
environments by enabling extremely large bursts in I/O."

Entra VQM allows for integration of video at the Converged
Interconnect Network (CIN) rather than at the principal core or at
the node. Strong adherence to standards with loosely coupled
modularity allows for a tailored transition towards transport of
video over IP. Providing vendor-agnostic support for both video
source and Remote PHY Device (RPD), along with a RESTful API, allow
for evolution. Entra VQM also allows engineers to integrate video in
a Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) environment with existing
infrastructure such as Edge QAMs or bulk video encryptors.
Eliminating analog transport of video reduces operational costs by
adopting a unified transport architecture to maximize efficiency of
fiber usage.

"Entra VQM brings an open approach to DAA deployments by providing
operators choice as to how video services are deployed, while
reducing operational costs," said Mr. Ryan Nicometo, Senior Vice
President of Product & Marketing at Vecima. "Working with the Entra
Legacy QAM Adapter or third party video engines, VQM supports RPDs
from multiple vendors, demonstrating a commitment to

Vecima will be demonstrating the new technologies at SCTE
Cable-Tec Expo in New Orleans from October 1-3, 2019 in booth 1529.
To schedule an appointment, click here (

More information about Vecima solutions can be found at

About Vecima

Vecima Networks Inc. is a global leader focused on developing
integrated hardware and scalable software solutions for broadband
access, content delivery and telematics. We enable the world's
leading innovators to advance, connect, entertain, and analyze. We
build technologies that transform content delivery and storage,
enable high-capacity broadband network access, and streamline data
analytics. For more information, please visit our website at

Vecima's logo and Vecima's product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Vecima Networks, Inc., and subsidiaries,
while all other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.

Vecima Networks, Investor Relations - 250-881-1982,; Media contacts: Red Lorry Yellow Lorry (Vecima's
PR agency):, Americas & Asia Pacific: Kerry
Quintiliani, +1 310 773 3763; Europe, Middle East & Africa: Philip
Iacob, +44 20 7403 887

ots Originaltext: Vecima Networks Inc.
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