Team Rynkeby collects EUR 10 million in international donations on behalf of severely ill children (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 30-09-2019 |
Nieder-Olm (ots) -
The Eckes-Granini Group supports the benevolent engagement of
Europe's most ambitious charity cycling project
Since 2002, when employees of Rynkeby Foods A/S decided to ride
their bicycles to Paris for a good cause, the Team Rynkeby project
has become Europe's biggest charity cycling event. More than 2,000
cyclists from 7 countries took part in the initiative in 2019 and
collected 10.6 million euros for children suffering from severe
illnesses. An absolute record, that amount exceeds the previous
year's result by 12.6 percent.
Eckes-Granini has been the main sponsor of Team Rynkeby ever since
2016, when Rynkeby Foods A/S 2016 joined the Eckes-Granini Group.
Thanks to its engagement, donations amounting to over EUR 56 million
have been collected in the 17 years since Team Rynkeby was founded.
"We are proud to be able to support this project and everyone
involved in it and we wish to thank all sponsors and riders for their
commitment. We have been impressed with the incredible dedication
shown by everyone associated with this initiative from the outset,"
says Thomas Hinderer, Chairman and CEO of the Eckes-Granini Group.
Success in 2019: record donations and German participation
2019 has been an especially successful year. The 2,000 cyclists
from seven countries included 55 participants from Germany, who made
the journey from Nieder-Olm to Paris via Koblenz and Bonn at their
own expense. Thanks to this team effort, the initiative set a record
of over 10 million euros in donations. The Eckes-Granini Group, with
its Rynkeby, God Morgon and hohes C brands, acts as the main sponsor
and thus covers all the costs of organizing the charity event, which
means that 100 percent of the proceeds go to local partner
organizations. A German team went to the starting line for the first
time this year. "We are more than pleased to contribute both
financially and personally to the success of this global project with
Team Rynkeby - hohes C, adds Thomas Hinderer. "As a family-owned
enterprise, we are very happy to do our part on behalf of others and
help improve the circumstances of those affected."
The Team Rynkeby project
Team Rynkeby is the Eckes-Granini Group's lighthouse project.
Initiated by employees of the Danish company Rynkeby Foods A/S, it is
now the most successful charity cycling team in Europe. Numerous
helpers work as volunteers for 54 teams from Denmark, Sweden,
Finland, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Germany. Aside from
the main sponsor, the Eckes-Granini Group and its Rynkeby, God Morgon
and hohes C brands, the initiative also receives support from
noteworthy patrons in the business and industrial sectors. Efforts to
build Team Rynkeby - Europe are currently in progress. The cyclists
on this team come from all the countries in which the Eckes-Granini
Group is represented.
Making the difference internationally
Local organizations devoted to helping severely ill children and
their families benefit from the donations that are collected every
year. Team Rynkeby provides support above all for international
institutions that cater for the needs of cancer patients and have
devoted themselves to research and the treatment of the various types
of cancer. In Denmark, for example, donations go to the
Børnecancerfonden, a childhood cancer organization. Donations
amounting to EUR 160,000 go to the Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe.
For further information please contact:
Thomas Graf, Eckes-Granini Group GmbH
Ludwig-Eckes-Platz 1, 55268 Nieder-Olm
Telephone: 0 6136 / 35 1350
Christoph Schmale / Friederike Stolz, Engel & Zimmermann AG
Am Schlosspark 15, 82131 Gauting
Telephone: 0 89 / 89 35 633
Original-Content von: Eckes-Granini Group GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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