EANS-News: ANDRITZ to supply two pump turbines for the Hatta Pumped Storage
Power Plant in Dubai
Geschrieben am 03-10-2019 |
Company Information
Graz/Vienna - OCTOBER 3, 2019. International technology group ANDRITZ has signed
a contract - as part of a consortium with the European construction group
STRABAG - with Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) to supply and
commission the entire electro- and hydro-mechanical equipment for the Hatta
Pumped Storage Power Plant located in the Hajar Mountains 140 km southeast of
the city of Dubai. Startup is expected for the first quarter of 2024. The
contract value for the electro- and hydro-mechanical equipment is more than 100
million euros.
ANDRITZ will provide the electromechanical equipment for two 125 MW Francis-type
pump turbines with double-fed asynchronous generators and auxiliary systems, all
gates and trashracks, 320 m of penstocks, main inlet valves, main power
transformers, GIS switchyard, and high-voltage cables to connect the new power
plant to the national grid. A detailed model test to guarantee the
characteristics of the turbine will be conducted in ANDRITZ's own test
Hatta will be the first project of its kind on the Arabian Peninsula. The final
concept is based on a shaft-type powerhouse close to the existing hydro
reservoir, capable of providing 250 MW for six hours. Due to the relatively
limited reservoir capacity, the available head will vary significantly between
175 and 125 m during the cycle. To overcome this substantial variation in head
but still keep the units running at a high efficiency level over the complete
cycle, both pump turbine units are equipped with double-fed asynchronous motor-
generators, allowing the units to operate at variable speed.
Dubai has the clear goal to diversify the emirate's energy mix and increase the
share of renewable energy from the current level of 7 to 75% by 2050. To achieve
this ambitious target, DEWA decided not only to increase the share of power
generation from renewable sources, like photovoltaics and wind power, but also
to build the necessary hydro-pumped storage capacity required to balance the
volatility of these renewable energy sources.
ANDRITZ is one of the few global suppliers to have reference projects and
expertise for such specific technologies. Award of this order is a very
important milestone for ANDRITZ and its consortium partners because this
prestigious contract is considered a lighthouse project for DEWA and the entire
region. In securing this contract, ANDRITZ has once again confirmed its position
as a leading supplier for electromechanical equipment in the hydropower
- End -
ANDRITZ is an international technology group providing plants, systems,
equipment, and services for various industries. The company is one of the
technology and global market leaders in the hydropower business, the pulp and
paper industry, the metal working and steel industries, and in solid/liquid
separation in the municipal and industrial segments. Other important fields of
business are animal feed and biomass pelleting, as well as automation, where
ANDRITZ offers a wide range of innovative products and services in the IIoT
(Industrial Internet of Things) sector under the brand name of Metris. In
addition, the company is active in power generation (steam boiler plants,
biomass power plants, recovery boilers, and gasification plants) and
environmental technology (flue gas and exhaust gas cleaning plants) and offers
equipment for the production of nonwovens, dissolving pulp, and panelboard, as
well as recycling plants.
ANDRITZ stands for passion, partnership, perspectives and versatility - core
values to which the company is committed. The listed Group is headquartered in
Graz, Austria. With almost 170 years of experience, 29,600 employees, and more
than 280 locations in over 40 countries worldwide, ANDRITZ is a reliable and
competent partner and helps its customers to achieve their corporate and
sustainability goals.
ANDRITZ Hydro is one of the leading global suppliers of electromechanical
equipment for hydropower plants. With over 175 years of accumulated experience
and more than 31,000 turbines installed, totaling approximately 430,000
megawatts output, the business area provides the complete range of products,
including turbines, generators, and additional equipment of all types and sizes
- "from water to wire" for small hydro applications to large hydropower plants
with outputs of more than 800 megawatts per turbine unit. ANDRITZ Hydro has a
leading position in the growing modernization, refurbishment, and upgrade market
for existing hydropower plants. Pumps (for water and waste water management such
as irrigation, drainage, desalination, or water transport, as well as for
various other applications in a wide range of industries) and turbogenerators
for thermal power plants are also assigned to this business area.
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Group Finance, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Andritz AG
Stattegger Straße 18
A-8045 Graz
phone: +43 (0)316 6902-0
FAX: +43 (0)316 6902-415
mail: welcome@andritz.com
WWW: www.andritz.com
ISIN: AT0000730007
indexes: ATX, WBI
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Original-Content von: Andritz AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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