
The world's first installation of REC Group's Alpha solar panels (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 08-10-2019

Munich (ots) -

REC Group (http://www.recgroup.com/), an international pioneering
solar energy company with a Scandinavian Heritage, is proud to
announce the world's first installation of its innovative Alpha solar
panels (http://www.recgroup.com/alpha) on a home near Venice, Italy.
Harnessing power from the sun enables home owners to reduce carbon
emissions while saving on their electricity bills - with REC Alpha's
industry-leading power output even small roofs can make a difference.
This helps the environment and thus preserves places like Venice and
many other UN heritage cites whose very existences are threatened by
climate change.

The world's first Alpha installation near Venice is a milestone
for the whole solar industry. The REC Alpha Series offers the world's
highest power in a 60-cell format of up to 380 watt-peak representing
217 watts per m², producing over 20% more energy than conventional
panels. Through its innovative cell technology and patented panel
design, the Alpha is helping homeowners drastically reduce their
power bills, save money and thus increase their energy autonomy. It
provides excellent performance in all climate conditions making it
the perfect choice also for regions with high temperatures. REC Alpha
Series' industry-leading warranty guarantees 92% nameplate power
output even after 25 years of electricity generation, giving owners
peace of mind that the panels will maintain their high performance
for decades. Its environmental endurance certifications were
completed in August ensuring exceptional performance and durability.

Following their launch at the Intersolar Europe
(http://ots.de/6e5mPm) exhibition in May of 2019, the very first REC
Alpha modules were delivered in June 2019 to distributors with
installations beginning in July. REC Group's CEO, Steve O'Neil, said:
"We are very proud and excited to get our Alpha solar modules on
roofs all over the globe. The world's first installation in Italy
marks an important milestone as Alpha means more power in less space
for everyone. The future of solar energy has arrived, delivering
significant energy savings for homeowners and businesses through
innovative technology and elegant design. We look forward to
empowering households, businesses, schools and communities all around
the world - and further helping to save beautiful but endangered
places like Venice."

REC's long-standing reputation as a front-running innovator in the
field of photovoltaics makes it the preferred partner of many
installers across the globe. This first installation was conducted in
partnership with REC Group's Italian distributor BayWa r.e.

About REC Group: Founded in Norway in 1996, REC Group is a leading
vertically integrated solar energy company. Through integrated
manufacturing from silicon to wafers, cells, high-quality panels and
extending to solar solutions, REC Group provides the world with a
reliable source of clean energy. REC's renowned product quality is
supported by the lowest warranty claims rate in the industry. REC
Group is a Bluestar Elkem company with headquarters in Norway and
operational headquarters in Singapore. REC Group employs 2,000 people
worldwide, producing 1.5 GW of solar panels annually.

For further information please contact:
Agnieszka Schulze
Head of Global PR, REC Group
Tel.: +49 89 54 04 67 225
E-mail: agnieszka.schulze@recgroup.com

Leopoldstraße 175
80804 Munich, Germany
Managing Director: Cemil Seber
Court of Registration: Munich HRB 180306
VAT ID-No: DE266243545

Original-Content von: REC Group, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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