
REC Group Kicks Off Mass Production of Its Ground-breaking Alpha Module in Singapore

Geschrieben am 11-10-2019

REC Group's Alpha Series with HJT technology and a patented panel
design rolls off the lines on October 10 at the manufacturing site in
Singapore. Being the highest power 60-cell module, this marks a
significant step for REC and the whole solar industry. With the
Alpha, REC once again demonstrates its commitment to empower
consumers with clean solar energy through innovative high-performance

Tuas, Singapore (ots/PRNewswire) - REC Group
(http://www.recgroup.com/), an international pioneering solar energy
company with a Scandinavian heritage, is thrilled to announce today's
mass production start of the REC Alpha Series (https://www.recgroup.c
d%E2%80%99s-highest-power-60-cell-solar-panel) solar panel in
Singapore. To produce the REC Alpha Series, REC has invested a total
of 150 million USD into the site and developed a new Industry 4.0
cell fab. This amounts to an additional 600 MW of heterojunction
(HJT) cell and module capacity, bringing REC Group's total module
capacity in Singapore to 1.8 GW annually.

REC's CEO Steve O'Neil states: "Our dedicated goal is to empower
consumers. And we know that only with big leaps, the global energy
transition can thrive. Alpha is a crucial tool for homeowners to do
exactly this and gain energy autonomy." REC's Chief Technology
Officer Shankar G. Sridhara adds that "It is a bold move jumping to
HJT, and it is also very bold to do 600 MW in one shot - but being
bold and innovative is in REC's DNA."

The REC Alpha Series was initially launched at Intersolar Europe
on May 15, 2019 (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rec__intersolar-activ
ity-6536664877342175232-ejBq) and presented to a wide audience at
further major industry events in the U.S. (https://www.recgroup.com/e
n/rec-group-shines-bright-solar-power-international), Japan and
India. First rooftop systems from initial production volumes have
already been installed in Italy (https://www.recgroup.com/en/world%E2
the Netherlands, US, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. For
homeowners, Alpha is the perfect rooftop module to drastically reduce
their electricity bill and lead the shift towards a cleaner future by
going solar with the latest technology.

Utilizing most advanced commercialized technology, the REC Alpha
Series is the world's most powerful 60-cell solar panel, delivering
up to 380 watt-peak (Wp); this translates to a leading power density
of 217 W/m², providing 20% more power than conventional panels in the
same area. Alpha performs perfectly in both, cold and hot climate
conditions, and comes with a super-strong frame, suitable to
withstand even the most severe weather. The increased power and
efficiency performance is backed by REC's industry-leading 25-year
performance warranty, guaranteeing 92% of nameplate power after 25
years. Finally, the REC Alpha cells are 100% lead-free and the REC
Alpha Black variant is designed to please the most demanding
customers looking for best aesthetics: uniform, full black color, and
practically invisible cell connections.

About REC Group:

Founded in Norway in 1996, REC Group is a leading vertically
integrated solar energy company. Through integrated manufacturing
from silicon to wafers, cells, high-quality panels and extending to
solar solutions, REC Group provides the world with a reliable source
of clean energy. REC's renowned product quality is supported by the
lowest warranty claims rate in the industry. REC Group is a Bluestar
Elkem company with headquarters in Norway and operational
headquarters in Singapore. REC Group employs 2,000 people worldwide,
producing 1.5 GW of solar panels annually.

Find out more at recgroup.com (http://www.recgroup.com/) and on
LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/rec_/), Twitter
(https://twitter.com/RECGroupMedia) and Facebook

For further information please contact:

Agnieszka Schulze
Head of Global PR, REC Group
Tel.: +49 89 54 04 67 225
E-mail: agnieszka.schulze@recgroup.com

Leopoldstraße 175
80804 Munich, Germany
Managing Director: Cemil Seber
Court of Registration: Munich HRB 180306
VAT ID-No: DE266243545


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1009267/REC_Alpha_Series_

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/961129/REC_Logo.jpg

ots Originaltext: REC Group
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: REC Group, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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