
Andrew Alliance Announces Partnership With Brooks Life Sciences Enabling Their Consumables to be Added to Its Groundbreaking OneLab Software

Geschrieben am 16-10-2019

Geneva (ots/PRNewswire) - Andrew Alliance and Brooks Life Sciences
today announced a co-marketing relationship that will enable Brooks
Life Sciences consumables to be added to Andrew Alliance's
groundbreaking OneLab software environment, developed to support the
design, execution and sharing of life science experiment protocols.
Under the terms of the agreement, Andrew Alliance and Brooks Life
Sciences will promote the use of OneLab as an essential tool for the
researcher, in conjunction with Andrew Alliance platforms such as the
Andrew+ pipetting robot and Pipette+ smart pipetting system.

"We are excited to announce this strategic relationship with
Andrew Alliance that will make it much easier for researchers to take
greater advantage of the wide range of cutting-edge consumables that
we supply to the life science industry," said Tracy Andrews, Senior
Product Manager of Brooks Life Sciences 4titude range. "This means
that researchers will be able to more easily, and quickly, set up
their liquid handling workflows in OneLab, be they for PCR, NGS or
imaging, speeding up both their research and their ability to
disseminate the work of other research groups." "What makes this
especially powerful, if that these protocols can then be executed on
either Andrew Alliance's automated liquid handling solutions,
increasing productivity and reducing the risk of error."

The award-winning Andrew+ robot o?ers fully automated pipetting,
as well as more complex manipulations, using a wide range of
accessories and Andrew Alliance Bluetooth electronic pipettes. OneLab
is a unique browser-based software environment enabling researchers
to design, and share, their own protocols, through a highly intuitive
graphical interface that can then be executed step-by-step, from any
PC or tablet. This browser-based highly intuitive software platform
ensures that labs can easily, and quickly, develop a wide range of
experimental & workflow protocols.

"In developing OneLab, our focus has been to understand ways in
which to better support the life science researcher in their ability
to design, execute and share their protocols." "We are very excited
by this game changing partnership enables Brooks Life Sciences to
better support their customers by making their labware and
consumables easily visible and accessible during experimental

The relationship with Brooks Life Sciences will be initially
focused on products developed and supplied by its 4titude® range,
which specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of
consumables and bench top instrumentation for the life sciences
industry. Since its foundation in 2005, it has continued to develop a
range of innovative products for PCR & sequencing, imaging, plate
sealing, liquid handling, forensic and NGS sample processing.

About Andrew Alliance

Andrew Alliance is dedicated to advancing science by working with
researchers to create a new class of easy-to-use robots and connected
devices that take repeatability, performance and efficiency of
laboratory experiments to the level required by 21st century biology.
Its new class of high-performance, easy-to-use robots, use
sustainable technology to dramatically improve the repeatability,
performance, and speed of liquid handling. This customer centric
approach, and Andrew, the flagship robot, have won numerous accolades
since 2013, transforming bench research in hundreds of
pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and academic laboratories worldwide, by
eliminating routine pipetting errors and time-consuming manual
efforts. Andrew Alliance, a CO2-Neutral Certified Company, is based
in Geneva, Boston, and Paris. Visit www.andrewalliance.com to learn

About Brooks Life Sciences

Working across a wide range of industries including biobanking,
compound management, consumer genomics, synthetic biology, basic
research and more, Brooks Life Sciences offer unparalleled knowledge
and experience of 2D-coded sample storage tubes, readers and sample
management systems. As part of the team that developed the original
2D-coded sample tubes in 1999, we have been at the global forefront
of developing sample storage consumables and instruments for nearly
20 years and we continue our philosophy of innovation to this day. In
addition to the innovation behind our products, we are committed to
providing the highest levels of customer service, support and
quality. Our Technical Support Team provides expert assistance,
making sure our products give the reliable and optimal performance
you expect. We believe that a quality sample is the cornerstone in
the generation of reliable, reproducible and quantifiable data -
which is why Brooks Life Sciences is all about the sample. Brooks is
headquartered in Chelmsford, MA, with operations in North America,
Europe and Asia. For more information, visit

Nigel Skinner
Marketing Director

Mike Thurogood
Marketing Director

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1010463/Andrew.jpg

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1010464/OneLab.jpg

ots Originaltext: Andrew Alliance SA
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: Andrew Alliance SA, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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