
SME study: Companies wish for new financing models

Geschrieben am 18-10-2019

Frankfurt (ots) - Nine out of ten medium-sized industrial
companies would find a financing model attractive in which the loan
conditions are not primarily determined by historical financial
ratios and available collateral, but by data that substantiates the
performance of the investment and makes it verifiable at any time.
The willingness to make the corresponding data available to lenders
is high. These are the results of the third consecutive study
"Industrial SMEs and Financing 4.0", for which creditshelf, the
designer of digital SME financing, together with TU Darmstadt,
surveyed more than 250 board members and managing directors.

"More and more business leaders recognize the advantages in
granting insight into current production numbers, in order to receive
better credit conditions", says Dr. Daniel Bartsch, board member and
founding partner of creditshelf. While two years ago 15 percent of
the decision-makers had spoken out against disclosure of the data, in
2019 only 9 percent were against it. "Medium-sized companies in
particular are benefiting from increasingly networked production
facilities that provide precise real-time data on capacity
utilization and profitability," explains Bartsch.

"In recent years, SMEs have had to demonstrate enormous
adaptability and face rapid changing market conditions," explains
Prof. Dr. Dirk Schiereck, who accompanied the study scientifically.
According to the head of the Department of Corporate Finance at the
TU Darmstadt, companies now expect greater flexibility from banks and
financial service providers as well: "Digitization is progressing
inexorably, and lenders must also face up to this reality. In many
cases, traditional calculation methods and key figure analyses are no
longer up to date." Thus the financing expert advises to separate
from the rigid set of rules in the credit business and to introduce
mobile models instead.

This flexibility, in which credit conditions are determined by the
performance of the investment and made verifiable, is considered
attractive or rather attractive by 93 percent of the surveyed board
members and managing directors. "Industry 4.0 is no longer a slogan,
but a living reality in many companies," says creditshelf board
member Bartsch. "The banking industry must respond to this and offer
the possibilities of modern financing". With flexible credit models
one can react faster to different market situations, for example, if
the order situation becomes weaker at short notice. Especially in
view of the impending economic downturn, it is important to ensure
that the backbone of the German economy remains competitive in the
long term.

About the study "Industrial SMEs and financing 4.0"

The study "Industrial SMEs and Financing 4.0" is based on a survey
conducted in mid-2019 by the digital SME financier creditshelf
(www.creditshelf.com). A total of 259 financial decision-makers from
medium-sized industrial companies took part in the online survey
conducted by a market research institute. The study was
scientifically accompanied by Prof. Dr. Dirk Schiereck, Head of
Department of Corporate Finance at the TU Darmstadt.

About creditshelf - www.creditshelf.com

creditshelf has been designing financing for SMEs for years -
simply, quickly, innovatively. Credit decisions are made on the basis
of a technology-based analysis developed by creditshelf itself. The
creditshelf team consists of experienced experts with many years of
experience in financing medium-sized companies. The pioneer of
digital SME financing in Germany was founded in 2014 and has been
listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since

creditshelf news posted daily at
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/creditshelf/
Twitter https://twitter.com/creditshelf
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/5317762/ und
Xing https://www.xing.com/xbp/pages/creditshelf-ag

Further informationen:
creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft
Birgit Hass
Head of Marketing and Communikation
Mainzer Landstraße 33a
60329 Frankfurt
Phone.: +49 (69) 348 77 24-13

Press and Public Relations:
Thöring & Stuhr Kommunikationsberatung GmbH
Arne Stuhr
Mittelweg 142
20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (40 )207 6969 83
Cell: +49 (177) 3055 194

Investor Relations:
creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft
Fabian Brügmann
Mainzer Landstraße 33a
60329 Frankfurt
Phone.: +49 (69) 348 772 427

cometis AG
Maximilian Franz
Unter den Eichen 7
65195 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (611) 20 58 55 22

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