Winners announced: European Commission awards a total of 200,000EUR to four Social Innovation Projects
Geschrieben am 25-10-2019 |
Brussels (ots) - Today, the European Commission announced the
Winners of the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition.
The three winning projects from the 2019 "Challenging Plastic
Waste" Competition will each receive 50,000EUR for demonstrating
outstanding potential to reduce plastic waste and improve re-use and
recycling at a systemic level. The winners are:
MIWA ( (Czech
An innovative, financially sustainable circular distribution and
sale system for food and non-food products with reusable packaging.
SpraySafe (
An edible spray to be applied to the surface of foods in order to
preserve them, thus reducing the need for plastic wrapping and
( (Spain)
A biotech start-up that transforms organic waste into
biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) bioplastics using bacteria.
The three 2019 Winners were selected from a total of 543 initial
applicants from across Europe. In July, 30 Semi-Finalists took part
in the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition's Academy; an
intensive training and coaching programme designed to develop their
Elzbieta Bienkowska, Commissioner for the Internal Market,
Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs commented "the European Social
Innovation Competition clearly shows how we can tackle some of the
biggest challenges facing European society through innovation and
entrepreneurship. The "Challenging Plastic Waste" theme complements
other important European initiatives, such as the "European Strategy
for Plastics in a Circular Economy" (, and the
Circular Plastics Alliance (, which rely on the
active participation and cooperation of business. I would like to
congratulate especially the 3 winners and to thank all of the
participants for their entrepreneurship, ingenuity and enthusiasm."
The 2019 Impact Prize, also worth 50,000EUR, went to "MTOP goes
digital" (, an Austria-based blended learning
programme that helps young, highly qualified refugees enter the
local labour market. The Impact Prize
( is open to all
Semi-Finalists from the previous year's edition of the European
Social Innovation Competition. It recognises the innovation that has
demonstrated the most significant social impact across the past 12
months. Under the theme "Rethink Local", the 2018 Competition looked
for projects that turned local challenges emerging from the changing
economy into opportunities for younger generations.
Future Funding Forum
This year's Award Ceremony also featured the "Future Funding
Forum", a private side-event where the Competition Finalists had the
opportunity to speak to experts in the fields such as impact
investment and public procurement.
Alumni Network
During the event, the European Commission also announced the
launch of the European Social Innovation Competition Alumni Network.
All of the Competition's Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winners will
now have the opportunity to join this community of entrepreneurs,
thus fostering cooperation between innovators across the different
themes covered by the Competition. They will also benefit from added
exposure, as sector relevant bodies and aspiring innovators will be
able to find them on the new online directory
More information about European Social Innovation Competition:
Launched in memory of social innovation pioneer Diogo Vasconcelos,
the European Social Innovation Competition is a challenge prize run
by the European Commission across all EU Member States and Horizon
2020 associated countries. Now in its 7th year, the Competition acts
as a beacon for social innovators in Europe, employing a proven
methodology for supporting early-stage ideas and facilitating a
network of radical innovators shaping society for the better. Each
year the Competition addresses a different issue facing Europe. This
year the focus is: Challenging Plastic Waste.
The Competition is organised by the European Commission with
support from Nesta, Kennisland, Ashoka Spain, the European Network of
Living Labs, and Scholz & Friends.
For information on earlier editions and winning projects, visit:
Questions about the Competition can be sent to:
Follow the Competition on Twitter: @EUSocialInnov #diogochallenge
Subscribe to the Competition newsletter here:
Press contact:
Andrew Bennett
+49 30 700186-371
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