The Lancet and Financial Times partner for first joint Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 30-10-2019 |
Genf (ots) -
Digital and data tools and technologies are changing approaches to health and
the design of health systems, but governance models have not followed the pace
of innovation. The Lancet has partnered with the Financial Times for a joint
Commission entitled Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital
world, launched at the Charité medical university in Berlin, Germany.
This Commission will explore the convergence of digital health, artificial
intelligence, and other frontier technologies with universal health coverage,
focusing on the health of children and young people. The Lancet are the
convenors of the Commission, and the Financial Times will support the Commission
by hosting parallel convenings with the business community, which can inform the
findings of this work.
Given its crosscutting nature, the Commission is supported by independent
Commissioners with expertise across medicine, social sciences, e-health, big
data analytics, mental health, policy, economics, research, and more. The
Commission is co-chaired by Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Chair of the
International Advisory Board at the Global Health Centre of The Graduate
Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, and
Dr Anurag Agrawal, Director of the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
in New Delhi, India.
"The digital transformation is proceeding at an enormous speed, and we have
found, in the lead up to the Commission, that children and young people are
practically invisible in a lot of this discussion. We feel that their rights,
their health, and their future need to be discussed, also with children and
young people themselves," Kickbusch said.
The Commission will look particularly at children and young people in a digital
age, seeking to identify specific instruments to safeguard their rights, as well
as opportunities to engage in this discussion. More than three billion people
are under the age of 30, and 1.8 billion of these people are between the ages of
10 and 24. These young people may be the first to demand and gain a clear set of
rights in relation to rapid technological development for their health and
In attendance at the launch, German Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn said,
"Digitalisation in health care is a key topic on the national and global agenda.
New digital technologies open up a variety of opportunities with the potential
to enable access and improve the quality and efficiency of health care
worldwide. That is why Germany is currently putting in a lot of effort to take
up speed in the national implementation process to introduce our Digital Health
Infrastructure. Our aim is to create a digital ecosystem which brings different
sectors and views together. The international and interdisciplinary composition
of the Commission reflects this integrated approach. We are pleased to host
their first meeting in Berlin."
Integration of digital technologies and artificial intelligence to support the
achievement of universal health coverage and health equity is a consideration of
the Commission, as well as investigating the concerns about data ownership and
privacy. "Equitable opportunity for accessing and using health data, while
respecting individual privacy, is central to providing effective and universal
health coverage at a global scale. The guiding principle of such data
democratization should be - of the people, by the people, for the people," said
Agrawal, who also spoke at a pre-launch panel on 'Health Data as a Global Public
Good' at the World Health Summit on Tuesday, 29 October.
The first Commissioners meeting began this afternoon and will continue until
tomorrow, 31 October, in a closed, all-day session. The report is expected for
end of 2021. The Commission is funded by the Children's Investment Fund
Foundation, Fondation Botnar, and the Wellcome Trust.
For more information, visit and
follow the conversation on Twitter @GHFutures2030.
The Lancet
Founded in 1823, the Lancet family of world-class journals is committed to
improving lives through medical research. With offices in London, New York, and
Beijing, The Lancet publishes a weekly journal and monthly specialty journals in
the fields of child & adolescent health, diabetes & endocrinology, digital
health, gastroenterology & hepatology, global health, haematology, HIV,
infectious diseases, neurology, oncology, planetary health, psychiatry, public
health, respiratory medicine, and rheumatology.
Financial Times
The Financial Times (FT) is one of the world's leading business news
organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity, and
accuracy. The FT has a record paying readership of one million, three-quarters
of which are digital subscriptions. It is part of Nikkei Inc., which provides a
broad range of information, news and services for the global business community.
The Children's Investment Fund Foundation
The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) is an independent philanthropic
organisation, with offices in Addis Ababa, Beijing, London, Nairobi and New
Delhi. Established in 2003, CIFF works with a wide range of partners seeking to
transform the lives of children and adolescents in developing countries. Areas
of work include maternal and child health, adolescent sexual health, nutrition,
education, deworming, tackling child slavery and exploitation, and supporting
smart ways to slow down and stop climate change.
Fondation Botnar
Fondation Botnar is a Swiss-based foundation which champions the use of AI and
digital technology to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young
people in growing urban environments. To achieve this, the foundation supports
research, catalyses diverse partners, and invests in scalable solutions around
the world. Wellcome Trust Wellcome exists to
improve health by helping great ideas to thrive. We support researchers, we take
on big health challenges, we campaign for better science, and we help everyone
get involved with science and health research.  We are a politically and
financially independent foundation.
World Health Summit
The World Health Summit (WHS), organised by Europe's largest university
hospital, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, is the annual conference of the
M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. The
WHS aims to improve health all over the planet by facilitating collaboration and
open dialogue across all relevant stakeholders and steering tomorrow's agenda to
improve research, education, healthcare and policy outcomes.
Global Health Centre, The Graduate Institute of International and Development
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies is an
institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of world
affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international
relations and development issues. The Global Health Centre is the Graduate
Institute's research centre on global health governance and diplomacy, and hosts
Commission's Secretariat.
Micaela Neumann
Policy & Research Officer, The Lancet & Financial Times Commission
Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world
Original-Content von: Global Health Centre, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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