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WeDo Technologies Named a Sample Vendor in Gartner Hype Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning, 2019

Geschrieben am 31-10-2019

Lisbon, Portugal (ots/PRNewswire) - WeDo Technologies, now part of
the Mobileum group, has been named a Sample Vendor in Gartner's Hype
Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning, 2019. According to the
report, "data and analytics leaders should use this Hype Cycle to
understand key trends and innovations, including those related to
improving expert and citizen data scientist productivity,
implementing new algorithms for cutting-edge use cases, and scaling
and operationalizing data science projects."

In the Hype Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning 2019
([1] (available to Gartner
subscribers), Gartner states, "much of advanced anomaly detection is
a competitive advantage today, but we expect most of the current
technology driving it will be widespread and even taken for granted
within 10 years because of its broad applicability and benefits."

Gartner recently estimated "by 2022, new implementations of ML
within CSP fraud management will reduce fraud losses by 10%."[2]

According to Gartner, "advanced anomaly detection is
well-established in certain applications, such as cybersecurity,
fraud detection for payment cards, financial market surveillance, and
control systems and health monitoring systems for physical assets
such as machines, vehicles and power plants. Its use is increasing in
applications as diverse as enterprise security, unified monitoring
and log analysis, application and network performance monitoring,
business activity monitoring (including business process monitoring),
Internet of Things predictive equipment maintenance, supply chain
management, and corporate performance." Further, "they can: detect
subtle anomalies that might otherwise escape notice and provide
earlier warnings of impending problems." Gartner provides the
following user advice, "risk managers, IT infrastructure and
operations managers, manufacturing engineers, business operations and
supply chain managers, healthcare professionals, public safety
managers, customer experience and relationship managers and anyone
else who uses monitoring or testing systems should make anomaly
detection capabilities (both traditional and advanced) a major part
of the selection process for the tools they will use."

"As we enter a new phase of digital transformation and
connectedness, the volume of data processed and the relations between
entities will become more complex, making it increasingly difficult
for companies to extract meaningful insights. Companies need advanced
machine learning, AI and automation capabilities to help them detect
risks and extract operational insights faster. We believe investing
in these capabilities has ensured that WeDo remains at the forefront
of Machine Learning development," commented Bernardo Lucas, Chief
Marketing Officer for WeDo Technologies, a Mobileum company.

WeDo Technologies' risk management solutions, spanning fraud
management, revenue assurance, and business assurance, provide a
comprehensive set of tools to support companies as they embark on
their digital transformation. In addition to providing machine
learning and AI capabilities, RAID Risk Management platform is an
on-premise / cloud-based platform that provides unrivaled scalability
and flexibility.

Gartner Disclaimer

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted
in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to
select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other
designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of
Gartner's research organization and should not be constructed as
statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or
implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About WeDo Technologies - a Mobileum Company

WeDo Technologies, founded in 2001, is part of the Mobileum group,
a leading enterprise software, and analytics company in roaming,
security, fraud, and risk management serving more than 700
telecommunication providers in more than 180 countries.

Mobileum delivers analytics solutions that generate and protect
revenue, reduce direct and indirect costs, and accelerate digital
transformation for Communication Service Providers (CSP). Mobileum
focuses on key CSP domains, including roaming and interconnect,
counter fraud and security, revenue assurance, data monetization, and
digital transformation. Mobileum's success is built on its unique
Active Intelligence platform, which logically combines analytics,
engagement, and action technology, with deep network insights and
easy CSP system integration to deliver seamless end-to-end solutions.
In a recent independent third-party survey of global mobile
operators, Mobileum was voted as #1 in Innovation for a group of 183

WeDo Technologies' innovative risk management solutions analyze
large quantities of data, enabling monitoring and control of
enterprise-wide processes to ensure revenue protection and risk
mitigation. In addition, its data insights empower business
management solutions that accelerate automation and optimization
across the digital enterprise and enable efficient business processes
such as incentive compensation, collections, and wholesale roaming

Know more at and, and
follow @MobileumInc on Twitter.

Mobileum is based in California's Silicon Valley, with offices in
Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Jordan, Portugal,
Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,
and Uruguay.

Sources (available to Gartner subscribers):
[1] Gartner, Hype Cycle Data Science and Machine Learning, 2019 (,
Shubhangi Vashisth, et al, 06 August 2019.
[2] Gartner, Market Trends: Maximizing the Value of Analytics, (
Artificial Intelligence and Automation in CSP Fraud Management (,
Charlotte Patrick, et al, 21 December 2018.

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Barbara Henris
Mob.: +1-(703)-470-9446

Public Relations and Corporate Communications - WeDo Technologies
Sara Machado
Mob.: +351-939650752

Product Marketing and Analyst Relations - WeDo Technologies
Carlos Marques
Mob.: +351-939650124

ots Originaltext: WeDo Technologies - a Mobileum Company
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