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RESTORE 1st Advanced Therapies Science Meeting

Geschrieben am 01-11-2019

25th-26th November 2019, Berlin

Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - RESTORE-Health by Advanced Therapies
invites you to join the First Advanced Therapies Science Meeting
(ATSM), an EACCME® accredited event, which will be held at the
Maritim Hotel, Stauffenbergstraße in Berlin from the 25th - 26th
November 2019.

Advanced Therapies are one of the most recent and significant
advances in medicine. They include gene and cell therapies and
tissue-engineering approaches to not only treat disease symptoms, but
to potentially provide a cure for otherwise incurable chronic
diseases. RESTORE aims to ensure that these regenerative therapies
are implemented as a standard of care across Europe and beyond. The
1st ATSM will bring together experts from industry, patient
organisations and academia to discuss the challenges within the field
of Advanced Therapies and to drive forward a concerted
interdisciplinary effort, making use of the excellent science,
infrastructure and funding landscape within Europe, to make
regenerative therapies a reality for all.

RESTORE is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Volk, Spokesperson
for the BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT) and his team,
"Advanced Therapies are a potential game changer in health care,
aiming to shift our focus from chronic treatment of disease to
regeneration of health," says Prof. Volk. He adds, "We are determined
to translate promising research findings into safe therapies, and we
are working across disciplines and national borders in order to
achieve this goal. The 1st Advanced Therapies Science Meeting
provides the opportunity for participation in discussions on the
still numerous obstacles in the way of implementing these promising
therapies in routine clinical care."

Advanced Therapies, also known as "living" drugs, are a disruptive
innovation, i.e. an innovation that will change the paradigm of
clinical drug development in the future. For some patients these
regenerative therapies are already a reality, unfortunately for most
patients this is not yet the case. The motivation behind RESTORE is
to accelerate the availability of these "living" drugs to all those
in need by supporting collaboration throughout the transdisciplinary
network required during drug development and by helping to overcoming
regulatory, scientific and technological roadblocks that stand in the
way of such a trailblazing change.

"We are immensely grateful to all our supporters and to the EU for
backing RESTORE and the 1st ATSM, allowing us to share and evolve our
vision for the future of Advanced Therapies," says Prof Volk. RESTORE
is a Europe-wide large-scale research initiative, backed by an
international and transdisciplinary community comprised of industrial
partners, research institutions and hospitals.

The packed two-day 1st ATSM programme
( will include talks
from Nobel Prize winner Ada Yonath (Director of Weizmann Institute of
Science, Israel), Michele De Luca (University of Modena, Italy),
Timothy O'Brien (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland),
Maksim Mamonkin (Baylor College of Medicine, USA), Manuela Gomes
(University of Minho, Portugal) and many many more!

ots Originaltext: REstore
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For more information about RESTORE and the 1st ATSM, to view the
meeting programme or to register, please visit our website:
You can also follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and tag us
For enquiries, you can contact us at: or
We welcome any journalist who is interested in attending the meeting
and ask that you contact us at to arrange your
RESTORE partners comprise the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and
Berlin Institute of Health (Germany), the University of Zurich
(Switzerland), Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (United Kingdom),
TissUse GmbH (Germany), Pluristem Ltd (Israel), Miltenyi Biotec GmbH
(Germany), INSERM - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche
(France), Innovation Acta S.r.l. (Italy), Fondazione Telethon Milan
(Italy), and the University of Minho (Portugal).

Original-Content von: REstore, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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