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creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft expands sales activities

Geschrieben am 05-11-2019

Frankfurt am Main (ots) -

- Pioneer of digital SME financing in Germany opens office in the
Bavarian capital Munich
- Munich will thus become second branch after Berlin, which has
recently strengthened the local presence of creditshelf beyond
Frankfurt am Main as part of the Valendo acquisition
- With sales office in one of the most important areas for SMEs in
Germany, creditshelf in Munich focuses especially on technology and
growth companies
- New Head of Product Management Jan Stechele joins the creditshelf
management team and represents creditshelf in Munich in
collaboration with Sebastian Seibold, Head of Business Development

creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft, a pioneer in the field of digital SME financing
in Germany, is opening another branch in Munich. With the Munich based Jan
Stechele, Head of Product Management and newest addition to the creditshelf
team, as well as Head of Business Development Sebastian Seibold, likewise
located in Munich, the office has a very experienced local management duo in
site. In addition, Relationship Manager and expert for growth financing Florian
Weinkauf will be present in the new office. Further extension of the team is

Dr. Daniel Bartsch, Chief Operating Officer of creditshelf, comments: "Bavaria
is one of our most important sales regions and Munich an attractive location for
technology and growth companies as well as the headquarter of numerous of our
cooperation partners. We would like to further expand this segment.
Consequently, it was time to implement the planned location in Munich."

"With Munich-based Jan Stechele, we have recruited an experienced strategist as
Head of Product Management for our platform. This shows that we are continuing
our strategic development and expansion of our sales activities," adds Dr. Tim
Thabe, CEO of creditshelf AG.

About creditshelf -

creditshelf is a pioneer in the field of digital SME finance in Germany that
arranges loans via its easy-to-use online platform, The
company, which was founded in 2014 and is based in Frankfurt am Main, sees
itself as a market and technology leader in the fast-growing digital SME finance
business in Germany. As a provider of SME finance, creditshelf has developed its
platform to meet the financing needs of German SME borrowers through loans from
investors interested in this asset class. By offering to arrange corporate loans
in this way, creditshelf enables small and medium-sized companies to access
highly attractive alternative finance options. At the same time, creditshelf
offers professional investors looking for attractive investment opportunities
access to SME finance. The company's core competencies include the selection of
suitable credit projects, credit quality analysis for potential borrowers,
credit scoring, and risk-adequate pricing. creditshelf receives fees for its
services from both the SME borrowers and the investors.

creditshelf news posted daily at

LinkedIn and

Further information:
creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft
Birgit Hass
Head of Marketing
and Communikation
Mainzer Landstraße 33a
60329 Frankfurt
Phone.: +49 (69) 348 77 24-13

Investor Relations:
creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft
Fabian Brügmann
Mainzer Landstraße 33a
60329 Frankfurt
Phone.: +49 (69) 348 772 427

Press and Public Relations:
Thöring & Stuhr
Kommunikationsberatung GmbH
Arne Stuhr
Mittelweg 142
20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (40 )207 6969 83
Cell: +49 (177) 3055 194

cometis AG
Maximilian Franz
Unter den Eichen 7
65195 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (611) 20 58 55 22

Original-Content von: creditshelf, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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