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Debiopharm progresses in their stand against drug-resistant N. gonorrhoeae with extended CARB-X funding of their Debio 1453 antibiotic program

Geschrieben am 08-11-2019

Lausanne (ots) - Debiopharm (www.debiopharm.com), a Swiss biopharmaceutical
company, announced today it has been awarded the 2nd phase funding from the
Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X)
to continue the development of its antibiotic program Debio 1453, leading to a
novel FabI inhibitor drug candidate specifically targeting Neisseria
gonorrhoeae. This 9-month extension for up to $1.4 million follows the initial
15-month phase for which up to $2.6 million was awarded in July of 2017, having
been successfully completed earlier this year with all objectives met according
to plan. The achievement of the targeted milestones during the first phase laid
the basis for the CARBX's decision to fund the second phase of the research

The Debio 1453 development program concerns a new antibiotic class that targets
FabI, an enzyme essential to the growth of certain pathogens such as N.
gonorrhoeae. Due to widespread antimicrobial resistance, N. gonorrhoeae creates
a serious public health issue, ranking as high priority pathogen by the World
Health Organization (WHO) and as an urgent threat by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC).1,2 The ongoing research focus of Debiopharm is to
optimize lead molecules in order to select a drug candidate which meets the
criteria of a Target Product Profile designed to best address the medical need.
At the end of the 2nd phase, Debiopharm will select the most suitable compound
to enter into clinical trials in uncomplicated gonorrhea caused by drug
resistant N. gonorrhoeae.

"We are delighted and grateful to have been awarded this extended grant from
CARB-X, expressed Thierry Mauvernay, President of Debiopharm. "This continuation
of research funding speaks to our antibiotic program's promising capacity to
make a difference in the fight against drug-resistant N. gonorrhoeae."

N. gonorrhoeae has an expanding history of microbial drug resistance, making
previously effective treatments obsolete.3 The CDC reports that N. gonorrhoeae
has acquired resistance to practically all classes of antibiotics making it a
major global health concern.2 Bacterium-induced/driven Gonorrhea is the second
most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection in the world, with an
estimated 78 million people infected yearly.4 If left untreated, the infection
can potentially lead to other serious conditions including pelvic inflammatory
disease and infertility.3

"As a growing variety of super-bugs are showing resistance to existing
antibiotics, the time to act is now." Says Terry Finn, Discovery Project Leader
at Debiopharm. "This CARB-X award is a great recognition of the progress made in
the first phase. It is critical for us to be prepared to avoid a future epidemic
of patients with highly resistant N. gonorrhoeae for which there is currently no
satisfactory treatment."

About Debiopharm

Debiopharm aims to develop innovative therapies that target high unmet medical
needs in oncology and bacterial infections. Bridging the gap between disruptive
discovery products and real-world patient reach, we identify high-potential
compounds for in-licensing, clinically demonstrate their safety and efficacy and
then select large pharmaceutical commercialization partners to maximize patient
access globally.

Visit us www.debiopharm.com/

Follow us @DebiopharmNews at http://twitter.com/DebiopharmNews

This news release is supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number IDSEP160030
from ASPR/BARDA and by awards from Wellcome Trust, and Germany's Federal
Ministry of Education and Research. The contents are solely the responsibility
of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the HHS
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, or other CARB-X

1. Available at http://ots.ch/R1BqdX
2. Available at https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/arg/default.htm
3. Available at http://ots.ch/OI9cE3
4. Costa-Lourenço APRD et al. Braz J Microbiol. 2017 Oct -


Dawn Haughton - Communication Manager
Tel: +41 (0)21 321 01 11

Original-Content von: Debiopharm International SA, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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