
news aktuell Trend Report 2019: Journalists continue to be the most important influencers for PR professionals in Germany (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 20-11-2019

Hamburg (ots) - Journalists are still by far the most important influencers in
the work of German PR professionals. Instagrammers and YouTubers are far less
relevant for press offices and PR agencies. This is one of the key findings of
the news aktuell Trendreport 2019 entitled "Journalists, PR professionals and
influencers - triad or trifecta?" For the first time, the dpa subsidiary,
together with Faktenkontor, surveyed the three communication groups
simultaneously. The current study compares their self-perception and examines
their similarities and differences. Key aspects include their influence,
credibility, use of media, career stallers and future perspectives. The most
important results are now available in a free management summary for

According to this summary, journalists are by far the most relevant (86 percent)
for the work of PR professionals. On the other hand, only 18 percent of
communicators believe that social media celebrities and bloggers are important
to their work. However, PR agencies already rely significantly more on
Instagrammers and YouTubers (30 percent) than press offices (11 percent). For
companies, their own employees play a comparatively more important role: almost
every second respondent from corporate communications is now dependent on
factors influencing the company (49 percent).

Journalists confident despite crisis in the industry

Despite declining print circulations and growing competition from new formats on
the social web, 43 percent of the journalists surveyed attest to the social web
having an increased impact on the formation of public opinion. PR professionals
are even more confident about their impact on the "res publica". More than half
of the communicators see a significant increase in their influence over the past
two years (58 percent). In the case of influencers, the figure is just under two
thirds (63 percent). Journalists, PR professionals and influencers alike cite an
increased reach as the main cause for influencing public opinion.

The majority of journalists, PR professionals and influencers attest to higher

Despite scandals such as the case of Claas Relotius, which hit the industry
hard, a clear majority of journalists see an increase in their own credibility
with their target groups (59 percent). Only 16 percent believe that this has
fallen in the last two years. Among the PR professionals, 71 percent believe in
an increase, exceeded by influencers with 84 percent. For all respondents, the
qualitative improvement of their content is the number one reason for the

Lack of resources is the biggest drag on the job

Insufficiant time and a lack of budget are the biggest career stallers for
journalists, PR professionals and influencers. In comparison, journalists (48
percent), company spokespersons (51 percent) and influencers (56 percent) suffer
the most from the exceedingly tight timelines, while communicators from agencies
find their work more difficult (62 percent) because the budget is too low.
However, the argument "too little time" is directly followed by PR agencies in
second place (48 percent).

Further results:

- "Online first" in PR - "Print (still) first" in journalism: 61
percent of PR experts reach their target groups best via online
channels, 55 percent of journalists via print.

- Journalists are struggling with the future, PR professionals and
influencers are optimistic: While more than half of the media makers
assess their career opportunities rather poorly (53 percent), an
overwhelming majority of PR professionals (86 percent) and
influencers (90 percent) look positively to the future.

- The main incentive for future jobs is the advancing digitalisation.
PR professionals, journalists and influencers all agree on this.

About news aktuell Trend Report 2019

- Initiator: news aktuell in cooperation with Faktenkontor
- Title: news aktuell Trend Report 2019 "Journalists, PR
professionals and influencers - triad or trifecta?"
- Participants: 1,534 journalists, PR professionals and influencers
from Germany
- Method: anonymous online survey
- Period: March 2019

news aktuell Trend Report 2019 / Management Summary Download:

About news aktuell

news aktuell, a subsidiary of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), provides
companies and organizations with effective access to both the media and
consumers. Utilizing the smart tools "ots" and "zimpel" PR content reaches all
media formats, including classic print titles, wide-reach online portals or
social networks. In addition, news aktuell publishes all of its clients' PR
content on www.presseportal.de, one of Germany's widest-reaching PR portals.
Thus, all relevant multipliers are reached worldwide, ranging from editors and
digital influencers to specialist bloggers and interested consumers.
Communications specialists from all over Germany rely on the expertise of the
dpa subsidiary. news aktuell has been on the market since 1989 and employs over
135 people. The company is based in Hamburg. Further locations include Berlin,
Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich.

news aktuell GmbH
Janina von Jhering
Deputy head of corporate communications
Phone: +49 40/4113 - 32598

Original-Content von: news aktuell GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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