
Energy2market and Deutsche Post to Optimise Power Procurement and Energy Use at Logistics Sites / Conclusion of the government-subsidised research project TRADE EV (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 11-02-2020

Leipzig/Essen (ots) - In cooperation with Deutsche Post AG and its subsidiary
StreetScooter GmbH, Energy2market GmbH (e2m) has developed options with a view
to optimising power procurement and the use of energy at selected logistics
sites with e-vehicles. The results of the TRADE EV* research project, which is
subsidised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and scheduled
to end in February 2020, were presented by e2m together with the project
partners, Deutsche Post, StreetScooter and SAP, at the E-world in Essen.

In the framework of the project, the fleet operators Deutsche Post and SAP
combined electric vehicles, buildings, stationary storage facilities and
regenerative generation facilities and connected these to the virtual e2m power
plant using IT communication technology. e2m prepared models for the project
partners to optimise the procurement of power and market flexibilities at the
energy markets. Overall, the project design was geared to the future situation
on the energy market and to data protection from the beginning. In addition to
trading on the power exchange, e2m also enabled participation in trading on the
balancing energy markets and, as a result, it has made an active and sustainable
contribution to stabilising the power grid. In addition, these measures have had
a positive effect on the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculation of
battery-operated vehicles.

Prior to this, five Deutsche Post pilot sites were selected and equipped with
stationary storage facilities with an output of 100 kW and a capacity of 120
kWh. The storage solution provides sufficient flexibility to permit the use of
both new and used batteries. In addition, a PV plant was installed at two sites
to test and assess the optimum use of power generated locally. Together with the
building and the electric vehicle fleet, these components form an energy cell.
The Deutsche Post sites are connected throughout Germany via the StreetScooter
control room creating an intelligent system at a local level - a so-called Smart
Microgrid. This facilitates the rate of electrification of the vehicle fleet at
sites with a weak grid.

About e2m

As an independent power aggregator, Energy2market specialises in managing and
optimising dynamic portfolios, as well as marketing the flexibility provided by
decentralised generation and consumption plants. Business operations focus on
continuous management on the spot and intraday markets as well as the use of
existing physical flexibility for balancing positions, as a trading product or
as a system service in the field of balancing energy. With a marketed output of
more than 3,500 MW from renewable energy plants, e2m is one of the biggest
aggregators and trading service providers in Germany. Moreover, as the biggest
balancing power pool provided in Germany, e2m has the necessary infrastructure
and market access channels to all German and international trading markets.

The German "Focus" news magazine awarded e2m the title of the "2016 Growth
Champion" and, as a result, confirmed the intrinsic value of the e2m business
model. As the first energy trading company among the currently pre-qualified
balancing energy providers, e2m was certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and ISO
IEC 27001 as early as in 2015 - showing e2m as a ground-breaking pioneer in its
field yet again.


* Trade of Renewable, Aggregated and Distributed by Electric Vehicles. TRADE
focuses on system services on the balancing market by aggregating
swarm-intelligent electric vehicle fleets in combination with stationary storage
facilities and building automation, wireless charging for the automatic
availability of the fleets on the grid and models for the power market design
for more renewables and grid stability at lower grid expansion and reserve
capacity costs.


Please contact Michael Richter in case of further questions and requests for
Energy2market GmbH | Weißenfelser Str. 84 | 04229 Leipzig
Michael R. Richter | Marketing & Communications
Phone: +49 341 230 28-402
michael.richter@e2m.energy | www.e2m.energy

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/104174/4517493
OTS: Energy2market GmbH

Original-Content von: Energy2market GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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