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Ford Temporarily Suspends European Production in Response to Coronavirus; Helps Containment Efforts

Geschrieben am 17-03-2020

Cologne (ots) - - Vehicle and engine production suspended at Ford's main manufacturing sites in continental Europe from Thursday, March 19 - Temporary suspension of production expected to last for a number of weeks depending on pandemic situation, national restrictions, supplier constraints and dealer stock requirements - Action taken as national governments restrict all but essential travel and personal contact, and with vehicle sales and component suppliers affected across the continent

Ford is temporarily suspending vehicle and engine production at its manufacturing sites in continental Europe in response to the growing impact of the Coronavirus. Effective from Thursday, March 19, it is expected that this action will continue for a number of weeks.

The action follows the World Health Organization's designation of Europe as the new epicentre of the coronavirus epidemic with the number of reported cases growing significantly in recent days and expected to continue to rise rapidly. Ford's decision to temporarily halt production also will contribute towards the efforts to contain the virus spread.

"While the impact of coronavirus at our facilities so far has been limited thankfully, its effects on our employees, dealers, suppliers and customers, as well as European society as a whole, is unprecedented," said Stuart Rowley, president, Ford of Europe. "Due to the dramatic impact this ongoing crisis is having on the European market and the supplier industry - together with the recent actions by countries to restrict all but essential travel and personal contact - we are temporarily halting production at our main continental Europe manufacturing sites."

Component supplies to Ford manufacturing sites in Europe have been increasingly interrupted, while sales of vehicles across the industry have declined with dealerships required to temporarily close their sales operations in some countries. However, the servicing of vehicles is regarded as an important societal need and Ford dealerships are continuing to provide essential maintenance and serving across the continent.

The Ford vehicle manufacturing sites in Cologne and Saarlouis in Germany, together with the Craiova facility in Romania, will temporarily halt production from Thursday, March 19. Ford's Valencia assembly and engine facility in Spain already temporarily halted production from Monday, March 16, after three workers were confirmed with coronavirus over the past weekend. Only essential work, such as maintenance and security, will continue onsite.

Impacted employees in Europe are being contacted by their supervisors with more information about their specific site details.

While it is hoped this action will only be required for a short period, the exact duration depends on a number of factors. These include the spread of the coronavirus; national government and European Union restrictions on movement, including across borders; the supplier industry's ability to supply components; and the return of customers to dealerships, many of which are now closed as part of the measures taken at a national level.

The measures announced today follow actions announced last week requiring all employees to work remotely unless they are performing a business-critical job that requires being onsite. The working remotely policy will continue, until further notice, in a continued effort to help contain the virus. Precautionary measures are being taken to protect the safety of the small number of employees who are unable to work from home.

"It is at difficult times like these when we must stand united and put people first," added Rowley. "We at Ford will play our part in the weeks ahead to help get through this crisis, reduce its spread and alleviate its effects wherever we can."

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About Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification; mobility solutions, including self-driving services; and connected services. Ford employs approximately 190,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .

Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 51,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and consolidated joint ventures and approximately 65,000 people when unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 23 manufacturing facilities (17 wholly owned or consolidated joint venture facilities and six unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 - the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.


John Gardiner
+49 1520 934 1079

Rella Bernardes
+49 171 975 1593

Susan Krusel
+49 221 9019294

Additional content: OTS: Ford-Werke GmbH

Original-Content von: Ford-Werke GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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