
Coping With the Coronavirus, Rambam Healthcare Campus in Israel Joins Forces With Elbit Systems to Deploy a Management & Control Technology

Geschrieben am 06-04-2020

Haifa, Israel (ots/PRNewswire) - The Rambam Healthcare Campus ("Rambam") in Haifa, Israel starts operating EX-TEAMS, a cellular based management and control system that was jointly developed with Elbit Systems. EX-TEAMS is based on an Elbit Systems' Command & Control (C2) technology that was repurposed in recent weeks for management and control of medical workforce and patients. The development effort was led by Doctor Oren Caspi from Rambam and a team from Elbit Systems.

The EX-TEAMS system has been already installed on the personal cellular handsets to 100 medical professionals who directly provide care to coronavirus patients providing the teams with enhanced capabilities 24/7. Rambam intends to soon extend the deployment to more than 1,000 of its employees. "Defeating the Coronavirus requires a joint effort and multi-disciplinal cooperation, high-tech, defense and medical," noted Dr. Caspi , adding: "The challenge is the sharp increase of the number of patients and beds, which is compounded by a deficient workforce that operates under protective cloth in a noisy environment. Coping with such an accumulative challenge clarifies the insufficiency of the traditional methods for management, communication and coordination (PA system, Pagers, Walkie Talkies). An effective answer to such a management and control challenge is a critical calling for the implementation of an advanced and proven military-like command and control technology."

EX-TEAMS is a cellular cloud-based application that is installed on the personal mobile phones of teams that operate in the healthcare campus, enabling to manage missions performed by a large and diverse workforce operating in a range of locations reflecting a comprehensive real-time picture of all operations and needs across the healthcare campus. EX-TEAMS provides location-based personal and group voice data and video communications that are seamlessly operated also under protective suites. It also enables a typing-less medical paperwork processing. The system prioritizes response efforts, efficient mission-focused allocation of workforce and assets, and rapid assignment and deployment of emergency teams. All the transmitted information is encrypted maintaining security and medical confidentiality. The EX-TEAMS can be deployed within a few days requiring neither investment in new equipment nor changes to existing communication and IT networks.

Michael (Mickey) Halbertal, General Director of Rambam Health Care Campus , said: "The coronavirus situation is a war the like of which we have never fought before. We are encouraged to receive great help from allies in the Israeli high-tech that will allow us to cope and prevail. In the next phase during which we will have to provide care for patients in large numbers, management and control of medical and logistical teams will make the difference between failure and success. The amazing capability of Elbit to provide us with a winning technological solution is an example of the unique capacity of the Israeli high-tech to enlist, adapt and win."

Haim Delmar, the General Manager of Elbit Systems C4I & Cyber , commented: "We are proud to be in a position to apply advanced and proven battlefield technological capabilities in order to improve the operations of medical centers and additional organizations that stand in the frontlines of the fight against the coronavirus. I thank Rambam's team for the cooperation."

About Rambam

Rambam Health Care Campus is a 1000-bed world-class teaching hospital. The patient population is diverse, as Rambam is the major tertiary (referral) medical center for all of Northern Israel, including12 district hospitals and defense and peacekeeping forces stationed in the region. Serving more than two million residents and others referred from all over Israel, the Mediterranean region, and around the world, Rambam is strategically located in Haifa on the Mediterranean coast and plays a critical role in the healthcare of the region's residents, in addition to making a major contribution to the economy of the north.

About Elbit Systems

Elbit Systems Ltd. is an international high technology company engaged in a wide range of defense, homeland security and commercial programs throughout the world. The Company, which includes Elbit Systems and its subsidiaries, operates in the areas of aerospace, land, and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance ("C4ISR"), unmanned aircraft systems, advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, EW suites, signal intelligence systems, data links and communications systems, radios and cyber-based systems and munitions. The Company also focuses on the upgrading of existing platforms, developing new technologies for defense, homeland security and commercial applications and providing a range of support services, including training and simulation systems.

For additional information, visit: https://elbitsystems.com/ , follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ElbitSystemsLtd) or visit our official Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/elbitsystemsltd/) , Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/elbitsystems) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/elbitsystems/) Channels.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1141765/Rambam_Elbit_Systems_EX_TEAMS.jpg


David Ratner Director of External Relations and Spokesman Rambam Healthcare Campus Tel: +972-4-7772718 Cell: +972-502062600 d_ratner@rmc.gov.il

Dana Tal-Noyman Manager, International Corporate Communications Elbit Systems Tel: +972-77-2948809 Cell: +972-54-9998809 dana.tal@elbitsystems.com

Additional content: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/143312/4565503 OTS: Elbit Systems; The Rambam Healthcare Campus

Original-Content von: Elbit Systems; The Rambam Healthcare Campus, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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