
Over 100 Wind Farms Open to the Public Tomorrow for the European Wind Day 2008

Geschrieben am 14-06-2008

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - All across Europe, a wide range
of events have taken place this week in the run-up to the European
Wind Day 2008. Thousands of members of the public have already taken
part in activities from exhibitions in Belgian train stations to
photo contests in Sweden. The events all focus on how wind energy
works and the benefits it brings as a clean and sustainable power

The official Wind Day is tomorrow, Sunday 15 June. National wind
energy associations are organising events in 20 different countries,
and over 100 wind farms are holding open days. Drawing competitions
in Bulgaria, regattas and boat-races in Italy and hot-air balloon
rides in Portugal are but a few of the activities on offer.

In the UK, 20 venues are being opened up to the public. The
European Wind Day is about "educating people on how wind farms work
and how they are helping the UK fight climate change," explains
BWEA's Maria McCaffery.

"If every wind farm in the planning system were given the go
ahead a further 5 million UK homes could be powered by green
electricity. We hope the success of events such as these will act as
a reminder to planners that the vast majority of people think the UK
should build more wind farms."

Joanna Trela from the Polish Wind Association agrees: "These kind
of events help the public learn about renewables, which is key for
the development of wind energy in Poland." The Association is
organising an educational day at the picturesque Malta Lake on 15
June, with competitions for children and live music.

Charles Dugue from the French association, France Energie
Eolienne, which is organising wind farm open days all around the
country, explains why it is so important that the public becomes more
aware of the benefits of wind energy: "Over recent years, wind energy
has proven that it can make a significant contribution to a new
energy mix that is green, sustainable and economically advantageous."

Dr Yannis Tsipouridis, President of the Hellenic Wind Energy
Association (HWEA) in Greece, which is holding contests to design a
wind-powered vehicle and a 1kW turbine, emphasises the point. "The
solution to the energy and climate crises which are upon us has a
name: wind energy. Together with the other renewables, improved
energy efficiency and energy savings, it can deliver the desired
solution and most important of all, it can do it in the time frame

To see the interactive Wind Day map and find out what is
happening where over the weekend, see

When: 15 June 2008
Where: Across Europe
Who: Organiser:
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the
utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide. It now has 450
members from 45 countries including manufacturers with more than a
90% share of the world wind power market, plus component suppliers,
research institutes, national wind and renewables associations,
developers, contractors, electricity providers, finance and
insurance companies and consultants. This combined strength makes
EWEA the world's largest and most powerful wind energy network.
More: For more information about the European Wind Day
paolo.berrino@ewea.org Tel: +32-2-400-10-55 or visit

ots Originaltext: European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For more information about the European Wind Day,
paolo.berrino@ewea.org, Tel: +32-2-400-10-55


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