euro adhoc: Eybl International AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / Supplement to ad hoc statement: "Eybl International AG announces preliminary figures for the business year 2007/08 and a comprehen
Geschrieben am 26-06-2008 |
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Krems, 25 June 2008. Eybl International AG (ISIN: AT0000908157) is a well-known international manufacturer of parts for car interiors and specializes in the production of auto textiles and seat covers made of fabric and/or leather. It has about 4,200 employees at nine production locations in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Germany and Slovakia. As a supplement to the ad hoc announcement it issued this morning, Eybl released a more precise statement explaining that the bond-creditor debt relief pertains only to a waiving of claims by institutional bond creditors and that the bonds in free float are not affected.
Profile of Eybl International: Eybl International AG is a well-known international producer of parts for car interiors and specializes in the production of auto textiles, fabric and/or leather seat covers, and covers for special interior parts. The company is traded on the Vienna Stock Exchange and has its headquarters in Krems a. d. Donau in Lower Austria. It has about 4,000 employees at fifteen business locations, nine of which are production sites in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Germany and Slovakia. All of the group locations are audited in accordance with the automotive industry´s stringent certification standards. Eybl also has sales branches in Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom.
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Eybl International AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note:
Eybl International AG
Corporate Communications
Erwin Klinglhuber
Tel.: +43 (0) 2732 881-218
Fax: +43 (0) 2732 881-78
Branche: Speciality stores ISIN: AT0000908157 WKN: 914117 Index: WBI, Standard Market Auction Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market
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