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Level 3 Expands Vyvx Services Platform in Europe

Geschrieben am 15-12-2008

Broomfield, Colorado (ots/PRNewswire) -

- European Customers Gain Access to Full Range of Broadcast Video

- 15 Percent Annual Increase in Vyvx Services Traffic Reported
Through 2008

Level 3 Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: LVLT) today announced that
the company has expanded its Vyvx services platform to include
broadcast video distribution in Europe. The expansion enables more
efficient distribution of North American broadcast programming to
Europe and provides European customers access to broadcast video
delivery over the Level 3 network.

"As one of the largest and most connected IP networks in the
world, Level 3 is now capitalizing on the reach of our network to
expand the Vyvx services platform," said Grant van Rooyen, president
of Level 3's Content Markets Group. "This expansion builds on our
proven track record of performance in the broadcast industry and
provides our customers with the comprehensive service portfolio to
continue expanding their global broadcast distribution."

The expansion of the Vyvx services platform to Europe includes
new point-of-presence (POP) facilities at the Level 3 gateway in
London. New digital video encoding and publishing equipment at the
London POP facilitates fiber-based transmission of high-quality,
broadcast video in Europe. Access to fiber-based delivery augments
Level 3's existing capabilities to support broadcast video downlinks
to satellite facilities across Europe. With these enhanced
capabilities, Level 3 now offers the full range of Vyvx broadcast
video services in Europe that have been available to broadcast
customers in North America.

As part of this expansion of Vyvx services to Europe, Level 3
also added satellite downlink capabilities in Berlin. These new
capabilities improve end-to-end monitoring of video quality for
broadcast traffic delivered via satellite. Level 3 now operates four
satellite facilities: Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles and Berlin.

For nearly 20 years, Level 3 Vyvx services have enabled
fiber-based transmission of broadcast video for major television
networks, professional sport leagues and other live events, such as
the presidential inauguration, debates and conventions, as well
annual awards shows for the entertainment industry. Vyvx services
transport high-definition (HD) and standard-definition video over the
Level 3 network either between customer facilities or to satellite

Vyvx also carries live video signals to broadcast encoding
centers on the Level 3 network. These centers format broadcast
content for online video streaming and on-demand viewing that is
enabled by the Level 3 content delivery network (CDN).

In 2008, Level 3 Vyvx services covered more than 17,000
entertainment, broadcast and sporting events in North America with
over 158 million minutes of video traffic, an approximate 15 percent
increase over 2007. The company averages more than 15,000 fiber and
satellite reservations per month of total video broadcast traffic
over the Level 3 network.

About Level 3 Communications

Level 3 Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: LVLT) is a leading
international provider of fiber-based communications services.
Enterprise, content, wholesale and government customers rely on Level
3 to deliver services with an industry-leading combination of
scalability and value over an end-to-end fiber network. Level 3
offers a portfolio of metro and long-haul services, including
transport, data, Internet, content delivery and voice. For more
information, visit

Level 3 Communications, Level 3, the red 3D brackets, Vyvx and
the Level 3 Communications logo are service marks of Level 3
Communications, LLC and/or its affiliates in the United States and/or
other countries. Level 3 services are provided by wholly owned
subsidiaries of Level 3 Communications, Inc. Any other service,
product or company names recited herein are trademarks or service
marks of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statement

Some of the statements made in this press release are forward
looking in nature. These statements are based on management's current
expectations or beliefs. These forward looking statements are not a
guarantee of performance and are subject to a number of uncertainties
and other factors, many of which are outside Level 3's control, which
could cause actual events to differ materially from those expressed
or implied by the statements. The most important factors that could
prevent Level 3 from achieving its stated goals include, but are not
limited to the company's ability to: successfully integrate
acquisitions; increase the volume of traffic on the network; defend
intellectual property and proprietary rights; develop new products
and services that meet customer demands and generate acceptable
margins; successfully complete commercial testing of new technology
and information systems to support new products and services; attract
and retain qualified management and other personnel; and meet all of
the terms and conditions of debt obligations. Additional information
concerning these and other important factors can be found within
Level 3's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Statements in this press release should be evaluated in light of
these important factors. Level 3 is under no obligation to, and
expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter its
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information,
future events, or otherwise.

ots Originaltext: Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar:

media, Kimberly Tulp, +1-720-888-3675, or Jennifer Daumler,
+1-720-888-3356, or investors, Mark Stoutenberg, +1-720-888-2518, or
Valerie Finberg, +1-720-888-2501, all of Level 3 Communications, Inc.


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