So. - 9 März, 2025  · Gäste: 949 Mitglieder: 0

euro adhoc: K+S Aktiengesellschaft / Correction: Release of a voting rights announcement according to article 26, section 1.1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

Geschrieben am 20-02-2009

Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Person/company obliged to make the notification:
Name: see notification text
Place: see notification text
State: see notification text

Company data:
Name: K+S Aktiengesellschaft
Address: Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 7, 34131 Kassel
Place: Kassel
State: Germany


In connection with the notification on 13 February 2009 The Bank of
New York Mellon Corporation additionally notified us on 18 February
2009 in the name and on behalf of

- MBC Investments Corp., Greenville, Delaware 19807, USA

pursuant to section 21, paragraph 1, sentence 1 of the WpHG (German
Securities Trading Act) that on 9 February 2009 the voting rights of
the above mentioned company on K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel,
Germany, exceeded the threshold of 3% and amounted to 3.03%
(4,992,845 voting rights) on this day.

All these holdings of the voting rights are attributable to the above
mentioned company pursuant to Section 22 paragraph 1 sentence 1 no. 6
in connection with the sentence 2 WpHG.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: K+S Aktiengesellschaft
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:

Branche: Chemicals
ISIN: DE0007162000
WKN: 716200
Index: DAX, Midcap Market Index, CDAX, Classic All Share, HDAX,
Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / regulated dealing
Börse Hamburg / regulated dealing
Börse Stuttgart / regulated dealing
Börse Düsseldorf / regulated dealing
Börse Hannover / regulated dealing
Börse München / regulated dealing


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