
Level 3 Streamlines Online Ad Delivery for Internet BillBoard

Geschrieben am 26-05-2009

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Level 3 Addresses Demand for Content Delivery Network Services
in Eastern Europe

Level 3 Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: LVLT) today announced it
provides content delivery network (CDN) services to Internet
BillBoard, a Czech Republic-based company. Level 3's CDN technology
improves online video and flash content delivery for advertising
networks, BillBoard and BB Elements, in Eastern European countries,
including the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Russia.

"Internet BillBoard is constantly seeking new ways to improve our
end-user Internet experience," said Karel Pavlicek, chief executive
officer for Internet BillBoard. "Level 3's CDN service enables us to
ensure online video and flash content quality and offers a more
cost-effective solution to improve delivery in each of the markets
where we operate across Eastern Europe."

Under the terms of the agreement, Level 3 provides CDN caching
and downloading services to optimize delivery of online advertising.
Level 3's intelligent traffic management technology routes
advertising content from the nearest CDN server location to improve
video and flash content delivery. These capabilities also provide
Internet BillBoard with a single system to distribute advertising
content across multiple markets with more consistent quality while
unifying operations management.

"Level 3 is pleased to provide Internet BillBoard with a solid
growth platform for its online advertising business," said James
Heard, president of Level 3's European Markets Group. "Level 3 is
committed to supporting our customers across Eastern Europe as demand
for higher quality online video continues to expand across the

About Level 3 Communications

Level 3 Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: LVLT) is a leading
international provider of fiber-based communications services.
Enterprise, content, wholesale and government customers rely on Level
3 to deliver services with an industry-leading combination of
scalability and value over an end-to-end fiber network. Level 3
offers a portfolio of metro and long-haul services, including
transport, data, Internet, content delivery and voice. For more
information, visit www.Level3.com.

Level 3 Communications, Level 3, the red 3D brackets and the
Level 3 Communications logo are registered service marks of Level 3
Communications, LLC and/or its affiliates in the United States and/or
other countries. Level 3 services are provided by wholly owned
subsidiaries of Level 3 Communications, Inc. Any other service,
product or company names recited herein are trademarks or service
marks of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statement

Some of the statements made in this press release are forward
looking in nature. These statements are based on management's current
expectations or beliefs. These forward looking statements are not a
guarantee of performance and are subject to a number of uncertainties
and other factors, many of which are outside Level 3's control, which
could cause actual events to differ materially from those expressed
or implied by the statements. The most important factors that could
prevent Level 3 from achieving its stated goals include, but are not
limited to, the current uncertainty in the global financial markets
and the global economy; disruptions in the financial markets that
could affect Level 3's ability to obtain additional financing; as
well as the company's ability to: successfully integrate
acquisitions; increase the volume of traffic on the network; defend
intellectual property and proprietary rights; develop effective
business support systems; manage system and network failures or
disruptions; develop new services that meet customer demands and
generate acceptable margins; attract and retain qualified management
and other personnel; and meet all of the terms and conditions of debt
obligations. Additional information concerning these and other
important factors can be found within Level 3's filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this press release
should be evaluated in light of these important factors. Level 3 is
under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation
to, update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise.

ots Originaltext: Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media - Europe, Hannah Britt, +44-20-7954-2128, or Investors, Mark
Stoutenberg, +1-720-888-2518, or Media - North America, Skip Thurman,
+1-720-888-2292, all for Level 3 Communications, Inc.; Logo:


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