
EANS-News: Nordex AG / Five Nordex N100 wind turbines going into operation at Gollmitz wind farm

Geschrieben am 16-07-2009

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


Hamburg/Gollmitz (euro adhoc) - July 16, 2009. The independent power
producer Enertrag AG

is commencing electricity generation at the Gollmitz wind park today. The
five wind power systems with a total output of 12.5 MW will be generating
28.9 million kWh of electricity each year, sufficient to cover the
requirements of 8,250 households. This high yield is being made possible by
the Nordex N100, which has been especially configured for typical non-
coastal conditions characterized by steady wind volumes. With a rotor
diameter of 100 meters and a nominal capacity of 2.5 MW, the turbines
already comply with the latest electrical requirements of the German Energy
Feed-In Act.

In planning the wind farm, Enertrag was guided by two principles: "On the
one hand, we wanted to achieve the highest possible local content in the
North East of Germany and therefore deliberately used Nordex turbines which
had been produced in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania," explained Enertrag CEO
Jörg Müller. Enertrag also gave preference to local construction and
electrical companies in the Uckermark region in awarding contracts for
preparatory assembly work. Construction of the foundations and access roads
as well cable work thus helped to secure jobs in the region, as will the
ensuing operation of the wind farm. In addition, we implemented various
environmental compensation measures," Müller added. Among other things,
Enertrag is planting around 60 trees and financing the demolition of three
derelict buildings and the ensuing sealing of the ground in Gollmitz,
Wilhelmshof and Kröchlendorff.

The N100 is a further development of the proven Nordex N80/90 wind turbine
family. Since 2000, the North Germany-based wind system producer has
assembled over 1,000 of these turbines around the world. The turbines being
used at the Gollmitz wind park have a hub height and rotor diameter of 100
meter and a rotor sweep of 7,823 square meters.

"The project testifies to the confidence which our long-standing partner
Enertrag has placed in our wind power systems, particularly those in the
2.5 MW class. The N100 is one of the most powerful series-produced turbines
for non-coastal locations currently available on the market," explains Jörg
Hempel, managing director and sales director for Nordex Central Europe.

Enertrag and Nordex have been working together for a long time: Enertrag
supplies firing systems for Nordex in Germany and other European countries,
including for the N100 in Gollmitz. In addition, the Gollmitz wind farm is
equipped with an Enertrag vision range system to reduce the brightness of
the night warning beacon for aircraft, thus minimizing the disturbance for
neighboring residents.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Nordex AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Nordex AG

Ralf Peters (Head of Corporate Communications)

Telephone: +49 40 / 300 30 - 1000

Telefax: - 1333

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE000A0D6554
WKN: A0D655
Index: TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share,
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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