
EANS-Adhoc: freenet AG / freenet AG reports revenue of 1.8 billion euros and operating result (EBITDA) of 157.6 million euros for the first half of 2009

Geschrieben am 13-08-2009

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

6-month report


freenet AG reports revenue of 1.8 billion euros and operating result (EBITDA) of
157.6 million euros for the first half of 2009:
• Revenue of 1.82 billion euros
• EBITDA of 157.6 million euros
• Cash flow from operating activities at 165.4 million euros

Büdelsdorf, 13 August 2009 - In a competitive environment that
continues tough, freenet AG managed to increase its second-quarter
revenue to 912.6 million euros in 2009, up approx. 152 percent
year-on-year*. Total revenue for the first six months of 2009 came to
1.822 billion euros, a 148-percent increase over the first half of
2008. Gross profit and EBITDA also were up significantly
year-on-year: At 206.2 million euros, gross profit for Q2/2009 was
122 percent above that of Q2/2008 and EBITDA more than doubled to
75.8 million euros. For the first half of 2009, gross profit totalled
411.1 million euros (+116.2 percent vs. H´1/2008), while EBITDA came
to 157.6 million euros, an 88.7-percent increase year-on-year. These
figures include one-off expenses for the first half of 2009 of nearly
28 million euros, of which around 26 million euros were incurred by
the Mobile Communications segment. The Group result from continued
operations - i.e. without the DSL business, which has now been sold -
was 11.1 million euros for Q2/2009 and 21.7 million euros for
H´1/2009, after 23.4 million euros (Q2/2008) and 50.5 million euros
(H´1/2008). A cash flow from operating activities of 165.4 million
euros has been generated in the first half of 2009.

* The previous year´s figures cited here are retrospectively adjusted
figures to reflect the switch in reporting the costs of customer
acquisition and retention, and the application of IFRS 5 for
`discontinued operations´. Furthermore retrospective
reclassifications were made within the income statement items
relating to continued operations because the contract between freenet
AG and 1&1 Internet AG regarding the sale of the DSL business has now
been signed.

Important KPI's of freenet Group:
Accounting method: IAS/IFRS
| | | | | | |
|Result in EUR million |1st half |1st half |Q2/2009 |Q1/2009 |Q2/2008 |
| |2009 |2008 | |adjusted2 |adjusted1 |
| | |adjusted1 | | | |
|Third-party revenue |1,821.5 |734.0 |912.6 |909.0 |362.1 |
|Gross profit |411.1 |190.2 |206.2 |204.9 |92.8 |
|EBITDA |157.6 |83.5 |75.8 |81.8 |31.7 |
|EBIT |49.2 |64.0 |22.1 |27.1 |22.1 |
|EBT |-0.3 |61.8 |2.6 |-2.9 |21.5 |
|Group result from | | | | | |
|continued | | | | | |
|operations |21.7 |50.5 |11.1 |10.6 |23.4 |
|Group result from | | | | | |
|discontinued | | | | | |
|operations |-11.7 |-26.5 |-1.7 |-10.0 |-14.0 |
|Group result |10.0 |24.0 |9.4 |0.6 |9.4 |
| | | | | | |
|Revenue by segment |1st half |1st half |Q2/2009 |Q1/2009 |Q2/2008 |
|in EUR million |2009 |2008 | |adjusted2 |adjusted1 |
| | |adjusted1 | | | |
|Revenue for the Group3 |1,821.5 |734.0 |912.6 |909.0 |362.1 |
|1. Revenue Mobile | | | | | |
| Communications |1,704.3 |579.8 |857.0 |847.3 |290.4 |
|2. Revenue Broadband |129.2 |157.9 |64.9 |64.3 |78.0 |
|3. Revenue Portal |20.6 |26.9 |11.0 |9.7 |14.2 |
|4. Revenue Hosting |45.1 |42.9 |22.4 |22.8 |21.9 |
|5. Revenue B2B |37.7 |50.8 |16.6 |21.1 |21.0 |
|6. Revenue Narrowband |23.5 |44.4 |10.6 |12.9 |19.5 |
| | | | | | |
|Selected key data in |1st half |1st half |Q2/2009 |Q1/2009 |Q2/2008 |
|million |2009 |2008 | | | |
|Total customers | | | | | |
|freenet Group4 |20.90 |9.86 |20.90 |21.62 |9.86 |
|Thereof contract | | | | | |
|customers | | | | | |
|(incl.no-frills) |10.63 |5.23 |10.63 |10.73 |5.23 |
|Mobile communications | | | | | |
|customers5 |17.95 |5.98 |17.95 |18.53 |5.98 |
|Thereof contract | | | | | |
|customers |8.52 |3.09 |8.52 |8.61 |3.09 |
|Thereof prepaid | | | | | |
|customers |9.43 |2.89 |9.43 |9.92 |2.89 |
|Active Narrowband | | | | | |
|customers | | | | | |
|(Internet+telephony) |1.07 |2.09 |1.07 |1.22 |2.09 |
|Paid service customers | | | | | |
|Hosting |1.36 |1.24 |1.36 |1.35 |1.24 |
|Paid service customers | | | | | |
|Portal |0.52 |0.54 |0.52 |0.52 |0.54 |

1 The previous year comparison figures have been adjusted retrospectively due
to IFRS 5 (discontinued operations) and due to the cessation of capitalising
customer acquisition and customer retention costs. Furthermore retrospective
reclassifications were made within the income statement items relating to
continued operations because the contract between freenet AG and 1&1 Internet
AG regarding the sale of the DSL business has now been signed.

2 Retrospective reclassifications were made within the income statement items
relating to continued operations because the contract between freenet AG and
1&1 Internet AG regarding the sale of the DSL business has now been signed.

3 The differences in revenue between the sum of the individual segments and
the total segments are the result of effects under IFRS 5 and interdivision

4 Without DSL.

5 Only Germany.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: freenet AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

freenet AG

Investor Relations

Tel.: +49 (0)40 513 06-778

E-Mail: ir@freenet.ag

Branche: Telecommunications
Index: Midcap Market Index, TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share,
Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
Hannover / free trade
München / free trade


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