
Vodafone steps up the pace of mobile internet

Geschrieben am 03-09-2009

Düsseldorf/Berlin (ots) -

- HSDPA with speeds of up to 14.4 mbit/s
- HSUPA with speeds of up to 3.0 mbit/s
- Practical benefits for all customers

The Vodafone Germany 3G network already facilitates the fast and
convenient transmission of large volumes of data thanks to HSDPA and
HSUPA. Downlink speeds of up to 3.6 megabits per second and uplink
speeds of 1.45 megabits per second have been possible throughout
Germany for quite some time already. Now Vodafone has increased its
network speed once again, clearly emphasising that it offers the best
communication products and services for "generation upload". Numerous
German towns and cities now have mobile internet downlink rates of up
to 7.2 megabits per second and uplink rates of up to 3.0 mbit/s.
Highly frequented hot spots such as airports and major rail stations
also offer downlink speeds of up to 14.4 mbit/s.

These theoretical speeds also deliver very fast downloads in
practice. Tests under realistic conditions with the new Nokia 6730
show that downlink rates of almost 10 megabits per second can be
achieved, enabling high quality movie downloads or streaming. Even
customers with mobile handsets that don't support the very latest
technology profit from the faster Vodafone network because it
transfers data faster from the mobile base stations to the fixed
network. Vodafone is an integrated communications service provider
with a very efficient fixed network, so it can easily connect the
base stations with high fibre optic cables. And because high data
volumes can be transferred quickly from the base stations, many
mobile communications customers can use them simultaneously.

"Vodafone customers are the first mobile users in Germany to
profit from the maximum speed currently available for mobile data
services of 10 megabits per second. This underlines our pioneering
role in mobile broadband solutions. We have the most efficient mobile
network and the best coverage in Germany, and we're extending our
infrastructure to reflect our customers' needs," said Hartmut
Kremling, Chief Technology Officer Vodafone Germany. Vodafone
Germany's customers will enjoy the advantages of mobile internet
services that are often faster than the services on their home or
office PC. HSDPA provides problem-free mobile access to the company
intranet, multimedia websites or video streaming services. Mobile
individuals who have to transfer large volumes of data also profit
from HSUPA. A photo taken on a mobile phone can often be sent via
HSUPA faster than it can via a conventional DSL connection, and HSUPA
guarantees excellent quality video conferencing.

Originaltext: Vodafone D2 GmbH
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/43172
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_43172.rss2

If you have any queries, please contact:
Vodafone D2 GmbH
Dirk Ellenbeck, External Communications, T: +49 211 533-6912
Press hotline: +49 211 533-5500


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