
EANS-Adhoc: Vivacon AG - Change in Management Board

Geschrieben am 12-10-2009

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


Cologne, October 12th 2009. Within the restructuring efforts and the
sale of a large part of development projects of Vivacon AG (ISIN 000
604 8911) its supervisory board and its chief marketing officer Mr.
Michael Ries have mutually agreed today, that he resigns today as
board member (Vorstand) of Vivacon AG after 10 years of successful
occupational activity. In particular Mr. Michael Ries was
responsible for development and marketing of revitalised landmark
apartments under leasehold conditions. Management and Supervisory
Board explicitly appreciate the contribution made by departing Mr.
Michael Ries during the last years.

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Vivacon AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Maren Nolte

Tel.: +49(0)221/1305621-783

E-mail: maren.nolte@vivacon.de

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: DE0006048911
WKN: 604891
Index: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share, DAX
International 100
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / regulated dealing


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