
Twenty-Five Years of HIV Blood Testing Helped to Positively Transform Global Health Crisis

Geschrieben am 02-03-2010

Abbott Park, Illinois, March 2, 2010 (ots/PRNewswire) - Imagine delaying
a life-saving surgery or being afraid to receive or donate blood for
fear of contracting HIV (http://www.who.int/hiv/en/). It seems
unbelievable today, but twenty-five years ago, this was the reality
as the world struggled to keep the deadly virus out of the blood

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20100302/CG63179-a)

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20100302/CG63179-b)

In 1985, an estimated one in 100 blood transfusions (http://www.w
ho.int/features/factfiles/blood_transfusion/en/index.html) was
infected with the HIV virus in some United States cities. Twenty-five
years later - thanks to the innovative development of critical
diagnostic tests that can identify HIV in the blood - this risk is
now minimal and millions of patients are safely given blood
transfusions each year.

Facts - Screening Blood for HIV

- On March 2, 1985, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved
the first-ever diagnostic test to screen blood donors for antibodies to
HIV. This first test was developed by Abbott.
- The first test to screen donors for exposure to the virus took nine
months of around-the-clock work by dozens of Abbott scientists to
- U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Margaret Heckler
announced FDA approval
AIDSActivities/ucm151074.htm) of the first test at a news conference
in Washington, D.C. The screening test was immediately adopted by the.
American Red Cross (http://www.redcross.org/) and other blood

Facts - HIV

- In 1985, the virus was widely called HTLV-III
The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
(http://www.ictvonline.org/index.asp?bhcp=1) changed the name to Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in May of 1986.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
(http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/index.htm) estimates that
there are 56,000 new cases of HIV in the United States annually, down
from an estimated peak of 130,000 new cases in the mid-1980s.
- In 2008, UNAIDS (http://www.unaids.org/en/default.asp) estimated
that 2.7 million people throughout the world are newly infected with
HIV each year, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Women account for 50 percent of adults living with HIV globally.

Facts - Abbott and HIV

- Since 1985, Abbott has launched more than 20 HIV assays on six testing
platforms to meet the unique patient needs worldwide.
- More than two billion blood donations and individual patients
have been screened using Abbott assays since 1985.
- Abbott has donated more than 100 million rapid HIV tests free of charge
to qualifying programs in 69 countries.
- The Abbott Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Donation
(http://abbottglobalcare.org/sections/Preventing/default.html) is
designed to provide Determine(R) HIV 1/2 tests free of charge to sound,
sustainable programs aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission
(MTCT) in eligible countries.
- Abbott recently submitted the ARCHITECT Ag/Ab HIV Combo Assay to
the FDA for expedited review. The ARCHITECT Ag/Ab HIV Combo Assay is
not intended for use in screening blood, plasma or tissue donors. This
assay is currently an investigational device in the United States, and
a similar combination assay is available internationally.
- Abbott scientists have developed two leading drug therapies, called
protease inhibitors, for the treatment of HIV.

Commentary on the 25th Anniversary of the First HIV Test

From James Curran (http://www.sph.emory.edu/cms/about/administra
tive_units/administrative_dean.html), M.D., MPH, dean and professor
of epidemiology of the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory
University: "Abbott's HIV antibody test was a pivotal public health
milestone that ushered an era of scientific progress against AIDS, in
which untold millions of lives were saved through enhanced detection
of the virus and prevention of its transmission. In my opinion, this
breakthrough was a landmark medical milestone for protecting public
health. Blood wasn't safe until the HIV antibody test arrived at our

From Val Bias (http://www.hemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.
aspx?menuid=48&contentid=30), CEO, National Hemophilia Foundation (h
id=1): "When people with hemophilia started dying in the '80s, it
forced a cruel decision to either stop taking the miracle blood
products that allowed us to lead full lives or risk infecting
ourselves and our families with a deadly virus. When the HIV test
became available, it enabled people with bleeding disorders to know
if they were infected and to take precautions to protect their
spouses and children."

From Michael Warmuth (http://www.abbott.com/global/url/content/e
n_US/70.45:45/general_content/General_Content_00464.htm), senior vice
president, Abbott Diagnostics
(http://www.abbottdiagnostics.com/home.cfm): "Since the launch of our
first diagnostic test in 1985, Abbott has enhanced its strong legacy
in HIV diagnostics with the development of six additional tests for
blood banks. The 25th anniversary of the first HIV antibody test
offers the opportunity to pay tribute to the scientists around the
world, including our own, who have contributed to better
understanding of HIV. Diagnostic technology is a critical weapon for
enhanced prevention and treatment as the fight against AIDS

Video Sound Clips

- Gerry Schochetman, Ph.D., senior director, infectious disease research
and development, Abbott (Click to view video:
http://www.abbottdiagnostics.com/About_Us/video/Schochetman_02.wmv ;
Total time :51)
- John Hackett, Ph.D., emerging pathogens and virus discovery,
Abbott (Click to view video:
http://www.abbottdiagnostics.com/About_Us/video/Hackett_02.wmv ; Total
time :28)
- Harold Kessler, M.D., Rush University Medical Center (Click to view
video: http://www.abbottdiagnostics.com/About_Us/video/Kessler_02.wmv;
Total time :43)

About Abbott's Diagnostics Businesses

Abbott is a global leader in in vitro diagnostics and offers a
broad range of innovative instrument systems and tests for hospitals,
reference labs, molecular labs, blood banks, physician offices and
clinics. With more than 69,000 customers in more than 100 countries,
Abbott's diagnostic products offer customers automation, convenience,
bedside testing, cost effectiveness and flexibility. Abbott has
helped transform the practice of medical diagnosis from an art to a
science through the company's commitment to improving patient care
and lowering costs.

About Abbott

Abbott is a global, broad-based health care company devoted to
the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of
pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritionals, devices
and diagnostics. The company employs approximately 83,000 people and
markets its products in more than 130 countries.

Abbott's news releases and other information are available on the
company's Web site at http://www.abbott.com.

ots Originaltext: Abbott Laboratories
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

CONTACT: Media, Darcy Ross, +1-847-937-3655, or Financial, Tina
Ventura,+1-847-935-9390, both of Abbott


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