
SunSil's breakthrough Integra Solar PV System will bring Solar Electricity to the Mass Market The Integra launches on booth C2.362, InterSolar, Munich

Geschrieben am 28-05-2010

Toftlund, Denmark (ots) - SunSil Photovoltaic Products is
launching the next generation of solar PV systems for the commercial
and residential markets at InterSolar (9-11 June 2010) that will
increase yields for its owner by up to 30% or more as well as
reducing initial costs, making solar electricity significantly more
financially appealing.

The problem with the current architecture of a standard solar PV
system is that it is grossly ineffective in maximizing yield under
different condition throughout the day. In addition, due to the fact
that it is a distributed architecture consisting of several different
components from panel to the wiring and on to the inverter, the
ability to cost-effectively manufacture and assemble everything into
one unit and install in a few steps on the roof has not been possible
until now. The difference in the architecture of the SunSil Integra
Solar PV System is that SunSil integrates all of the components of a
standard PV system into one 230V 300W AC module using embedded
electronics, micro-inverter and software to harvest the maximum
amount of electricity from the sun in any condition and throughout
the day from sunrise to sunset.

"We have solved the problem with the current solar PV system
architecture, which requires the installer spend time putting
together a custom solution for every installation from a myriad of
panels, inverters, mounting brackets and wiring, by providing a truly
integrated "plug-and-play" system that can be easily installed onto
the roof of a home or commercial building at half the cost of time
and materials," explains Erik Hansen, CEO of SunSil. "We chose the
name 'Integra' because it is the short version of integration and
integration is the basis for our whole philosophy at SunSil. It
removes all of the existing complexity, replacing it with elegant
"plug-and-play" units that can be assembled into a complete array on
a customer's home or commercial facility by simply plugging them
together. Sun in and AC out. It's that simple. I believe that this
is the breakthrough that will bring solar electricity to the mass
market by finally making it simple and cost effective, and thus
kick-starting the move to practical green electricity for everyone."

Peak performance at all times Current solar panels are made from
'strings' of solar cells, i.e. they are wired up in series but, if
one of the cells is weaker or shaded, the output of the whole string
can drop significantly. Sometimes, a weak cell can burn out
altogether rendering the entire string useless, compromising the
entire panel. SunSil laser cuts each six inch square cell into
microcells. Each is monitored and dynamically controlled by SunSil's
patented Dynamic Microcell Optimisation technology to provide the
optimum output for the whole Integra module. Leaves, snow,
shadowing, moss, and bird droppings are no longer a problem as the
affected microcells are switched out leaving the rest operating at
maximum efficiency, enabling the Integra to gather up to 30% more
electricity per annum than current designs.

Reduced complexity reduces costs SunSil's integrated architecture
means that the Integra can be assembled in few steps with the use of
a fully-automated and high- throughput manufacturing line with 4-6
times the output of standard PV module assembly lines being used by
many module manufacturers in the world today. "We are bringing to
the solar industry the same benefits of mass production, reliability
and standardisation that Henry Ford brought to the car industry,"
adds Erik Hansen. Initial production of Integras starts in Q4 2010
with volume in Q1 2011, costing around E900 each. The units are
currently undergoing certification by Intertek.

Further information on SunSil at www.sunsil.dkSunSil A/S,
Brundtlandparken 2, DK-6520 Toftlund, Denmark.Tel +45 7383 1420

SunSil Integra and Dynamic Microcell Optimisation are trademarks
of Sunsil A/S

Originaltext: SunSil A/S
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Press information, interviews and illustrations
Nigel Robson, Vortex PR, UK. Tel +44 (0) 1481 233080


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