Medify Solutions Limited Launches MedifyRemote for BlackBerry
Geschrieben am 07-09-2006 |
Toronto, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) -
- Mobile Access to Clinical Data now Available on BlackBerry Devices
Medify Solutions Limited (Pink Sheets - MFYS) today announced that its product portfolio will be available on BlackBerry(R) handsets.
The MedifyRemote application allows mobile access to patient notes and clinical systems in real time, helping doctors and nurses to provide better, more efficient and more informed quality care to their patients. The launch of MedifyRemote for BlackBerry, from Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM), will enable healthcare professionals to securely access, update and review patient records from any location using a BlackBerry handset. This brings more choice and increased mobile functionality to healthcare professionals in both the UK's NHS and healthcare organisations globally.
In addition to secure access to clinical data on the move, healthcare professionals will be able to benefit from proven and popular BlackBerry features including access to 'push-based' email, phone, SMS, web browsing, organiser, instant messaging and other corporate data applications, all in a single easy-to-use handset.
"Secure access to email, information and clinical notes via BlackBerry, the market's leading mobile solution, will make a real difference to the working lives of our healthcare professionals and to the quality of care received by patients," said Ian O'Reilly, CEO, Medify Solutions Group. "In the UK, this solution will be provided through Medify's accredited connection to N3; the national electronic NHS spine. MedifyRemote will be available pre-loaded onto BlackBerry handsets or as an add-on application. This launch is another important step in extending the reach of the MedifyRemote application and in Medify Solutions' commercial progress."
About Medify Solutions Limited (Pink Sheets: MFYS)
The first business to have developed a Secure Remote Access product addressing critical requirements of the UK National Health Service (NHS)
MedifyRemote, its leading product, is an application that allows remote access to a patient record through a mobile device
Medify's technology allows clinicians and others to view, access and update patient records securely whilst mobile
The company recently gained service provider status for the crucial N3 spine element of the Connecting For Health (CFH) programme, passing all the pre-requisite protocols for security assurance; the only mobile company thus far to do so
More information, please visit
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The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. RIM assumes no liability and makes no representation, warranty or guarantee in relation to third party products or services.
ots Originaltext: Medify Solutions Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: For further information: Press Office email:; Enquires to: Chris Hill, +44(0)845-03-44-095
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