PR Newswire Launches Institutional Investor Network
Geschrieben am 13-09-2006 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
- New Service Enables Listed Companies and Their Advisors to Communicate With Analysts and Investors Across Europe
PR Newswire announced today the launch of Investor Network, a new service that delivers company news releases to industry analysts and investors.
Investor Network combines the media reach of PR Newswire with an extensive database of European sell side analysts and institutional investors compiled by Thomson Financial.
The moment a news release is issued via PR Newswire, Investor Network guarantees immediate publication on key market data equity terminals such as Reuters and Bloomberg. In addition the news is sent over Thomson Financial's First Call service, which subsequently parcels the release to those analysts and investors who have indicated an interest in the company. The news release is delivered simultaneously to individual analysts, as well as reaching thousands of websites and online databases relevant to the investment community.
Issuers also have the option to include the distribution of the news to key business media across Europe.
"The partnership with Thomson Financial is a tremendous opportunity to offer companies a unique service that unites media awareness and investor targeting," said Lisa Ashworth, CEO of PR Newswire Europe. "Investors and analysts value highly the communications they receive from the companies they are researching. Investor Network uses multiple channels - both direct and through the media - to ensure that the company's news reaches its target audience, and as such, is the perfect complement to a company's own IR efforts."
The launch of Investor Network extends PR Newswire's role as one of the world's leading advocates for enhancing communication between companies, the investment community and the general public. PR Newswire is recognised as an established, secure outlet for listed companies to meet disclosure regulations in Europe the US and Canada, and provides news distribution services for companies throughout Europe the US, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. We also play a critical role in educating the corporate, investor and regulatory communities around the world on issues of disclosure and transparency.
About PR Newswire
Now in its 52nd year, PR Newswire Association LLC ( provides electronic distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services on behalf of some 40,000 corporate, government, association, labour, non-profit, and other customers worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organisations reach a variety of critical audiences including the news media, the investment community, government decision-makers, and the general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news developments.
Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and in more than 40 languages. Utilising the latest in communications technology, PR Newswire content is considered a mainstay among news reporters, investors and individuals who seek breaking news from the source. PR Newswire's leading services include Disclose(TM), MEDIAtlas(TM), Search Engine Visibility (SEV), MediaSense(TM), eWatch(TM), PRint and now Investor Network. PR Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business Media plc (LSE: UBM) of London.
About Thomson Financial
Thomson Financial is a US$1.9 billion provider of information and technology solutions to the worldwide financial community. Through the widest range of products and services in the industry, Thomson Financial helps clients in more than 70 countries make better decisions, be more productive and achieve superior results. Thomson Financial is part of The Thomson Corporation (, a global leader in providing integrated information solutions to more than 20 million business and professional customers in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, higher education, reference information, corporate e-learning and assessment, scientific research and healthcare. With revenues of US$8.4 billion, The Thomson Corporation lists its common shares on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC).
Media Contacts:
Jason Rando on behalf of PR Newswire +1-646-536-7025 or email
Samantha Proctor, Head of UK and European Marketing, PR Newswire Europe +44-(0)20-7454-5115 or email
For more information on PR Newswire IR services contact:- John Catmur Head of Investor Relations UK Sales +44-(0)20-7454-5247
For full information on PR Newswire products and services email or go to
ots Originaltext: PR Newswire Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: Media Contacts: Jason Rando on behalf of PR Newswire, +1-646-536-7025 or email Samantha Proctor, Head of UK and European Marketing, PR Newswire Europe, +44-(0)20-7454-5115 or email For more information on PR Newswire IR services contact:- John Catmur, Head of Investor Relations UK Sales,, +44-(0)20-7454-5247
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