International Association of Labour Inspectors (IALI) Conference 2007
Geschrieben am 26-03-2007 |
Toronto, Ontario (ots/PRNewswire) -
- April 18 - 20, 2007
The international health and safety community will focus on Ontario, Canada's practices in health and safety when the International Association of Labour Inspectors (IALI) Conference 2007 lands, for the first time in North America, in Toronto from April 18 - 20, 2007.
Partnering with the Ontario Ministry of Labour and IAPA (Industrial Accident Prevention Association), in cooperation with the International Labour Organization, the Government of Canada, and Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the IALI Conference 2007 will run in conjunction with IAPA's Health & Safety Canada 2007, Canada's largest health and safety conference and trade show. Both events take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and share a common theme: "Innovative Strategies for Safer & Healthier Workplaces." The sub-theme for IALI's conference is "From Compliance to High Performance."
On April 18, 2007, in the presence of national and international guests as well as provincial and federal government dignitaries, the conference opens with a joint ceremony that officially closes the 90th annual IAPA conference and opens the IALI conference. Stephen Lewis, former United Nations envoy for HIV/AIDS, will be deliver a keynote address entitled, "Where in the World is the World Headed?" The conference welcomes four additional keynote speakers who will address conference delegates on various topics:
- Gerd Albracht, Senior Specialist in Occupational Safety and Health, Coordinator Development of Inspection Systems, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
- Helle Tosine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Michele Patterson, President of the International Association of Labour Inspection; Executive Director of Safework SA in South Australia (the State's labour inspectorate), South Australia's representative on the National Australian Safety and Compensation Council
- Dr. Malcolm K. Sparrow, Professor of the Practice of Public Management at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- The Honourable Jean-Marc Blackburn, federal Minister of Labour
- Perrin Beatty, President and CEO, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
For more information on the IALI conference, log on to or download the conference preliminary guide at
ots Originaltext: International Association of Labour Inspection Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: For further information contact: Edye Rome, Edye Rome Communication Services,+1-(416)-785-6213,, or Vince Ciarlo, +1-(416)-763-3783,
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