Fortune International Mining (Fortune) Announces Brian Simmons as Director
Geschrieben am 26-04-2007 |
Toronto, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - Fortune Graphite Inc. (Fortune), a resource company trading as ZTW1 on the Frankfurt Exchange announces the appointment of Mr. Brian Simmons as a Director of the company.
Mr. Simmons brings his 25 years of mining experience to the company to assist in bringing its properties to production.
"We are pleased with the direct mining experience Mr. Simmons brings," says Jim Adams, President.
Mr. Simmons has been active in the mining industry since 1982 in a series of increasingly more responsible roles.
- RODELL ENTERPRISES Ltd. 1995 - Present, Mining Consultant. Clients include CAYENNE GOLD MINES Ltd., ROSS-FINLAY 2000 Inc., SME Investments Ltd. and BC Hydro.
- OLYMPUS HOLDINGS Ltd. 1994 - 1995, Director.
- BC HYDRO 1991 - 1995, Regional Systems Specialist
- Mining and Computer Consultant 1988 - 1991,. Clients included Byron Creek Collieries (ESSO), Stibnite Mine Inc. (Minven), and Pioneer Metals Corporation.
- PIONEER METALS CORPORATION 1986 - 1988, Mining Engineer.
- HIGHMONT OPERATING CORPORATION (TECK) 1982 - 1983, Junior Mining Engineer
About Fortune
Fortune Graphite identifies and brings to market valuable mining properties including Graphite, Platinum, Gold, and Molybdenum.
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Certain statements above constitute forward-looking statements with respect to MEM Financial Solutions and affiliated companies. Such forward- looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the companies to be materially different from any further results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
ots Originaltext: Fortune Graphite Inc. Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: Contact: Fortune Graphite Inc, Jim Adams, +1-416-367-8240,
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