
Friendster Launches Fan Profiles

Geschrieben am 27-09-2007

San Francisco (ots/PRNewswire) -

- New Profiles Provide Self-promotion Features To Musicians,
Artists, Non-profits, Models and More

Friendster, Inc. (http://www.friendster.com) today announced the
launch of Fan Profiles, a new feature enabling over 40 different
entity types -- such as musicians, artists, models, non-profits,
athletes and more -- to connect with existing fans and build a fan
base within Friendster's global community. Fan profiles come with an
extended set of promotional features including mass email
capabilities, contact list management, unlimited fan base
aggregation and more. Fan Profiles offer entities immediate access to
over 50 million registered Friendster members, and give those seeking
online exposure a new, powerful tool.

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070927/AQTH110-a
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070927/AQTH110-b )

Fan Profiles add a new dimension to Friendster's broad and global
social network, and the feature has the potential to gain traction
domestically and internationally. Friendster currently receives
nearly 30 million monthly unique visitors and serves over 250 million
pages daily to a user base in more than 75 countries.(i)
Additionally, Friendster is a top-100 Web site in 17 countries on
four continents.

"Friendster is making a clear distinction between 'friends' and
'fans,' which allows Fan Profile owners to build a genuine fan base,"
said Jeff Roberto, marketing director at Friendster. "We're giving
entities access to a feature set that promotes them, even when
they're not online. After creating a Fan Profile, it continuously
promotes you or your organization to more people via the fans already
connected to you, and publicly via major search engines."

The Friendster Fan Profile engine consists of:

-- You (the artist or organization): By creating and updating a fan
profile and inviting fans to join your network, you set off a chain
reaction of notifications on and off Friendster. Your fans receive
updates every time you edit your profile, update your blog, upload
photos or embed content (like audio, video or widgets).
-- Fans: Every time a new fan joins your network, they promote you to
their friends. Friends are notified both on their homepages and by
email (if they subscribe to email updates). Friendster maintains a
differentiation between fan networks and friend networks, which gives
fan profiles a high level of visibility on the network and makes it
easy for fans to promote them to friends.
-- The Web: Fan profiles come optimized for Web search, allowing them to
get picked up in major search engines like Google and Yahoo! As more
fans join your network and more content gets posted to your page, your
search ranking increases.

Artists and organizations can request a Fan Profile by going to

Independent artists and non-profit organizations without large
marketing budgets and resources can utilize Fan Profiles to get the
word out about themselves. Fan Profiles contain a bulk invitation
feature which enables mass fan requesting via contact lists. Fan
Profiles also have a an auto-fan approval setting which saves the
artist or organization from manually approving every fan request, so
fan networks continue to grow with very little maintenance.

"We're using a Friendster Fan Profile to take our band to the next
level," said Greg Federspiel, a member of Making April
(http://www.friendster.com/makingapril). "We've been a featured
artist on MTV's 'Laguna Beach' and we've sold over 75,000 singles on
iTunes; the next step for us is a solid record deal. Our Fan Profile
will help us get there," he said.

Popular existing Fan Profiles include:

-- Hillary Clinton (politician):
-- Dane Cook (comedian):
-- Polar bears (non-profit):
-- Gnarls Barkley (artist):
-- Karen Kong (singer):
-- Fall Out Boy (band):
-- Seventeen (magazine):

Fan Profiles are currently supporting entities such as:

Actors, actresses, artists, artist management, athletes, authors,
bands, bars, bloggers, churches/religious groups, comedians, comics,
DJs, dancers, directors, editors, education associations, events, fan
clubs, fashion, festivals, film/video, instructors, journalists,
models, musicians, non-profits, photographers, political
organizations, politicians, promoters, publishers, publications,
radio shows, record labels, restaurants, singers, TV shows, teachers,
teams, travel, venues, Web sites and widgets.

About Friendster

With more than 50 million members worldwide, Friendster is a
leading global online social network. Friendster is focused on
helping people stay in touch with friends and discover new people and
things that are important to them. Online adults, 18 and up, choose
Friendster to connect with friends, family, school, social groups,
activities and interests. Friendster prides itself in delivering a
clean, user-friendly and interactive environment where users can
easily connect with anyone around the world. Friendster has a growing
portfolio of patents granted to the company on social networking,
with more expected over the next several months. Headquartered in San
Francisco, California, Friendster is backed by Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers, Benchmark Capital, DAG Ventures and individual
investors. For more information, visit: http://www.friendster.com.

(i) comScore Media Metrix, August 2007

Web site: http://www.friendster.com

ots Originaltext: Friendster, Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Lerin O'Neill of The Hoffman Agency, +1-408-975-3037,
loneill@hoffman.com, for Friendster, Inc. ; Photo: NewsCom:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070927/AQTH110-b, AP Archive:
http://photoarchive.ap.org, AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN14, PRN15,
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com


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