
EANS-News: Deutsche Effecten- und Wechsel-Beteiligungsges. AG (DEWB)/ Leading Card Manufacturer CPI Expands Contactless Portfolio with New Partnerships

Geschrieben am 13-04-2011

Relationship with NXP Semiconductors and KSW Microtec Provides CPI
Customers with contactless payment applications optimized for the
North American market

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Joint Ventures/Cooperation/Collaboration

Subtitle: Relationship with NXP Semiconductors and KSW Microtec
Provides CPI Customers with contactless payment applications
optimized for the North American market

Jena, 13 April 2010 (euro adhoc) - CPI Card Group, a global leader in
financial and commercial card production and related services, today
announced new initiatives with NXP Semiconductors and KSW Microtec to
broaden its portfolio of contactless offerings and provide customers
with expanded contactless technology solutions from two widely
respected developers.

Demand for contactless cards in the financial payment card market has
increased significantly over the past several years. Given this new
partnership and years of global experience, CPI now offers additional
qualified alternatives in the supply chain development of contactless
payment cards to meet the growing marketplace demands.

"In order to provide the best products for our customers, we feel
it´s important to offer a variety of technology choices and solutions
from reliable partners in the industry," says Benoit Guez, director
of Smart Cards and New Technologies at CPI. "Both NXP and KSW have
demonstrated their commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies
in the contactless space, and we look forward to working together as
a team to meet our clients´ needs, and exceed their expectations."

NXP Semiconductors offers a broad portfolio of solutions for banking
applications, providing customers with a combination of proven
security and performance with their ICs. NXP´s Fast Pay contactless
security chip, deployed with CPI, can be widely used for contactless
payment applications and is specifically designed to provide
consumers in the USA and Canada with a secure, fast and comfortable
payment experience. It´s embedded Data Encryption Standard (DES)
hardware co-processor and best-in-class contactless performance
provides strong security and fast transaction times.

KSW Microtec is a leading supplier of contactless prelaminates for
ePayment, eGovernment and Access Control applications. The KSW
Thinlam®, a contactless prelaminate for card manufacturers, provides
exceptional thinness and maintains the highest reliability and
durability thanks to its unique assembly technology. Thinlam® is the
ideal solution for any contactless personal identification
application especially where security, performance and appearance are

"We are extremely pleased that CPI has selected NXP as a key
technology partner for the US banking market," says Karsten Danziger,
director of Banking Identification at NXP Semiconductors. "Our proven
Fast Pay solution will enable swift and secure payment transactions.
Working together with CPI and KSW we will create differentiating
solutions that enable the best possible customer contactless payment
experience. NXP continues to raise the bar with respect to the
security, reliability, performance, and size of our contactless

"We are delighted about the business partnership with our valued
customer CPI. By combining both our smart and innovative
technologies, CPI and KSW establish new possibilities in card
manufacturing," says Thomas Hitzer, CEO of KSW Microtec. "In
cooperation with our partners, we are committed to provide
innovative, durable and secure RFID components, such as PVC Thinlam®
with NXP´s Fast Pay chip, for secure contactless card applications

About CPI Card Group CPI, a global leader in financial, commercial
and identification card production and related services, offers a
single source for plastic cards and other form factors, from foil
cards and holograms to translucent and smart cards, and
personalization and fulfillment services. CPI offers the largest
production capacity in North America. CPI's production sites include
Denver, Colorado; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Las Vegas, Nevada; Colchester,
England; Liverpool, England; and Toronto, Canada. CPI's plants in
Colorado, Nevada, and Liverpool are ISO 9001 certified. For more
information, visit www.cpicardgroup.com.

About KSW Microtec KSW Microtec AG founded in 1994, with its
headquarters in Germany, is one of the world´s leading suppliers of
contactless components for applications such as Access Control and
eGovernment, ePayment, eTicketing and Asset Management. KSW combines
successfully high-end wafer processing, extremely efficient assembly
and lamination technology and far-reaching expertise in design. KSW
has earned itself a leading position on the market as innovator and
one of the most efficient, and simultaneously most flexible,
producers of RFID components. KSW is an 100 % investment holding of
the listed venture capital company Deutsche Effecten- und
Wechsel-Beteiligungsgesellschaft AG (DEWB). For more information
visit: www.ksw-microtec.de

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Deutsche Effecten- und Wechsel-Beteiligungsges. AG (DEWB)
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Marco Scheidler
Tel.: +49 (0) 3641 573-3600
E-Mail: marco.scheidler@dewb-vc.com

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0008041005
WKN: 804100
Börsen: Berlin / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
München / free trade
Frankfurt / Open Market / Entry Standard


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