joimax® for the first time awards the Parviz Kambin prize in cooperation with SMISS in the frame of the first US TESSYS® User Meeting in Denver, Colorado
Geschrieben am 29-04-2011 |
Karlsruhe/Denver, Colorado (ots) - After a very successful
advanced cadaver workshop on Saturday, April 9, 2011, joimax® held
its first US TESSYS® User Meeting on Sunday, April 10th in Denver,
Colorado, the site of the Scientific Annual Meeting for AANS, the
American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
In cooperation with SMISS, Society for Minimally Invasive Spine
Surgery, joimax®, for the first time, presented the Parviz Kambin
award to Dr. Parviz Kambin. Dr. Kambin is one of the most important
pioneers who paved the way for the minimally invasive endoscopic
spine surgery industry. The award was founded to honor outstanding
surgeons in the field of endoscopic spine surgery. Dr. Parviz Kambin
identified the unique safe access point to the spinal canal now known
as the 'Kambin triangle.' Additionally, two experienced spinal
surgeons, Dr. Michael Schubert, Munich, Germany, and Dr. Menno
Iprenburg, Veenhuizen, the Netherlands, were honored with the Parviz
Kambin Award, each having performed more than 1.000 procedures of
this kind, trained hundreds of doctors using the TESSYS® technique
and each publishing scientific presentations held at renowned
international congresses.
Dr. Choll Kim, Executive Director of SMISS and Associate Clinical
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of California -
San Diego: "We, at SMISS, consider endoscopy of the spine to be a
progressive technique with huge potential for the future of minimally
invasive spine surgery. Aside from their operative work, we recognize
the accomplishments of the recipients, who are large contributors to
the advancement of the TESSYS® procedure on a global level."
Besides the highlight of the award presentation ceremony, the User
Meeting offered a robust program of scientific presentations, reports
and discussions with internationally renowned spine specialists in
the field of orthopaedic and neuro surgery. Additionally, joimax®
started its celebrating event program 2011: 5 years joimax® Inc. in
the USA and 10 years joimax® GmbH in Germany.
About joimax® Company Profile
The innovative medical technology company dedicates itself to
combined surgical technologies, particularly to minimally invasive
spinal procedures ("joined minimal access technologies"). joimax®
focuses on development, manufacturing and marketing of the technology
and methods for integrated endoscopic surgical access to the spinal
column, with optimized visualization. The joimax® fully integrated
visualization, documentation and tissue removal technologies enable
surgeons to conduct their operations independently in a cost
effective manner. With the comprehensive education program CM3 which
incorporates cadaver workshops, visitations and surgeries accompanied
by experienced medical trainers and application specialists, the
implementation of the procedure will be supported right from the
start. joimax® considers itself a partner of operating physicians,
living the motto "helping to treat patients!". joimax®, TES®,
TESSYS®, iLESSYS®, CESSYS®, Vitegra®, Camsource®, Shrill®, Versicon®,
Intracs®, Legato®, Tigrip® and SPOT® are registered trademarks of the
joimax® GmbH.
Photo material available at:
joimax Inc.
Mrs Courtney Sheedy
Associate Marketing Manager
14 Goodyear, Suite 145 Irvine,
CA 92618-3759
Ph +1-949-859-3472
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