
100 Years Skincare for Life: NIVEA makes billion-euro investment in its biggest global campaign ever (with picture)

Geschrieben am 10-05-2011

Hamburg (ots) -

- Cross-reference: Picture is available at
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

Cross-media digital measures will address new NIVEA consumers.
Rihanna's song, 'California King Bed' will accompany the NIVEA
anniversary year internationally.

We are realigning the NIVEA brand during its centennial year. On
May 15 we're launching a global campaign, "100 Years Skincare for
Life", centered around the values that have been associated with
NIVEA for generations: trust, honesty, reliability, honesty and
family," said Markus Pinger, Beiersdorf Board Member for Brands, at
the NIVEA Skin Journey press conference on May 10, 2011. NIVEA
invited guests from 50 countries to accompany it on a journey through
the brand's history as part of its 100th anniversary celebrations.
The two-day cruise gave them the opportunity to experience the new
"100 Years Skincare for Life" campaign's image worlds live in history
and science exhibitions. NIVEA has selected compelling visuals that
elevate the importance of skin and capture moments of closeness
between people of different ages, genders and nationalities. "We know
that people only feel comfortable in their skin if they are happy
about the way they look. According to a study*, that is currently
only around 10% of all women worldwide. This knowledge was one of the
main factors in our decision to make skin the focus of our campaign,"
explained Markus Pinger. NIVEA's marketing budget for 2011 is in the
region of one billion euros and around 70 percent of this is being
invested in the new campaign. NIVEA hopes that this investment will
strengthen the brand and stabilize its position as the number one
skin care brand.

NIVEA has signed up international star Rihanna as the voice of its
anniversary campaign and her song, 'California King Bed', will
accompany it throughout. There will be consumer promotions with
Rihanna concert tickets as prizes, plus ten million online codes on
products for exclusive Rihanna downloads from the NIVEA website.

NIVEA hopes to mobilize Rihanna's vast fan community in social
networks such as Facebook and YouTube. 10 percent of the campaign
budget is dedicated to digital activities. NIVEA is sponsoring
Rihanna's 'Loud' tour of the USA and Europe and organizing a range of
activities to address young consumers. A NIVEA local blogger will
also be reporting on the tour. It is expected that campaign
activities on the NIVEA websites will generate some 120 million
messages and dialogs on social media platforms worldwide.

The digital campaign is flanked by a multi-level NIVEA TV and
print campaign that initially focuses on NIVEA Creme in the blue tin.
It will be followed by a product campaign featuring the key Visage,
Body and Deo product lines. All campaigns will be supported
internationally by mega posters, billboards and citylights. The
world's biggest skin advisory tour in retail with over 75,000
promotions will also be running. It is expected to generate more than
13 million consumer contacts, including around 1.7 million
consultations with individual skin analyses.

Source* : Noxema on http://ots.de/OxpyW

You can find further texts, photos, footage and videos on NIVEA's
100th anniversary in our virtual press center at


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E-mail: CorporateCommunications@Beiersdorf.com


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