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Geschrieben am 08-06-2011

Devens, USA (ots) - What: AMSC's SolarTie represents the
industry's first fully optimized solution for utility-scale
photovoltaic (PV) power plant developers. It utilizes AMSC's
expertise in utility-scale solutions, combining two of AMSC's proven
and proprietary technologies ? D-VAR STATCOM and PowerModule power
converter systems, that are today connecting over 15 GW of renewable
energy to the grid.

In addition to exhibiting at the show, Kleber Facchini,
Utility-Scale Solar Business Development Manager for AMSC, will be
speaking on the topic: "Cost Effectively Connect Solar Energy to the
Grid and Decrease Balance of System Costs.? Additionally, Kleber will
be sharing his thoughts on the trends at the show while guest
blogging for PV Magazine.

Where: Booth #2271 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre, 81823
Munich, Germany

When: Exhibiting from December 13-16, 2010; Presentation on
Wednesday, June 8 at 2:05 pm local time in Room 14C.

Why: Europe has demonstrated its commitment to residential and
commercial solar, AMSC expects Europe to be a primary market for
utility-scale PV development. Introduced in the U.S. in October,
InterSolar Europe will serve as the official launch of AMSC's
SolarTie in Europe.

About American Superconductor (NASDAQ: AMSC) AMSC offers an array
of proprietary technologies and solutions spanning the electric power
infrastructure - from generation to delivery to end use. The company
is a leader in renewable energy, providing proven, megawatt-scale
wind turbine designs and electrical control systems. The company also
offers a host of Smart Grid technologies for power grid operators
that enhance the reliability, efficiency and capacity of the grid,
and seamlessly integrate renewable energy sources into the power
infrastructure. These include superconductor power cable systems,
grid-level surge protectors and power electronics-based voltage
stabilization systems. AMSC's technologies are protected by a broad
and deep intellectual property portfolio consisting of hundreds of
patents and licenses worldwide. More information is available at .

American Superconductor and design, Revolutionizing the Way the
World Uses Electricity, AMSC, Powered by AMSC, Amperium, D-VAR, dSVC,
FaultBlocker, PowerModule, PowerPipelines, PQ-IVR, PQ-SVC, SeaTitan,
SuperGEAR and Windtec and design are trademarks or registered
trademarks of American Superconductor Corporation or its
subsidiaries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks
belong to their respective holders.

AMSC Contact:
Kerry Farrell Manager, Corporate Communications
Phone: 978-842-3247


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