Orange Launches Widest Range of Exclusive Affordable Phones With Dedicated Facebook(R) Functionality in Africa and Europe
Geschrieben am 16-11-2011 |
Paris and London, November 16 (ots/PRNewswire) -
- Three new phones with deep Facebook integration and
dedicated 'F' key available in Africa and Europe from Q4 2011 - offering
the widest portfolio of affordable phones with deep Facebook
functionality launched by an operator to date
- Orange is bringing simple, affordable, social phones for under
EUR100 to a broader range of customers in more than 15 countries*
- The new range includes the ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 908F Android
smartphone, one of the most affordable Android smartphones available,
exclusive to Orange
Orange will exclusively launch three new affordable phones with
deep Facebook integration across Africa and Europe from Q4 2011,
creating a swift, simple, cost effective social experience for more
of Orange's customers than ever before.
With access to the widest range of phones with Facebook built-in
under EUR100, including the new ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 908F Android
smartphone, Orange customers can choose the phone best suited to
their needs. Facebook's social capabilities run through every feature
of these phones, from the camera to contacts with the dedicated 'F'
key allowing instant uploading and interaction. Orange customers can
also purchase these handsets with affordable bundles and tariffs that
include unlimited Facebook access without extra data charges.
This announcement forms part of Orange's strategy to help
customers get more from their digital lives and provide access to
mobile services such as Facebook to the widest possible range of
customers. At a more affordable price point than previously
available, with bundles and tariffs to match, these handsets will
make mobile Facebook access richer and more widely available for the
first time for some customers.
"The rise of the smartphone and the explosion of social networks
have completely changed how people keep in touch and share content.
Until now many consumers across Africa and Europe have not had access
to a phone that offers deep Facebook integration at an affordable
price," said Yves Maitre, Senior Vice President of Mobile Multimedia
and Devices, Orange. "We feel strongly that it is Orange's role to
enable customers to enjoy a digitally rich, connected life and this
and future work with Facebook and ALCATEL ONE TOUCH will allow us to
open up mobile social media access to even more of our customers."
"Orange and Facebook have a common goal of providing mobile
social access to people throughout Europe and Africa," said Henri
Moissinac, Head of Mobile Business at Facebook. "These phones and our
ongoing collaboration with Orange will offer an opportunity for
people to easily connect and share with their friends on Facebook
anytime, anywhere and, for some, experience the mobile web for the
first time."
Orange has set out a clear strategy to increase its original
design manufacturer portfolio from 15 to 20 per cent in order to
offer customers more choice across pre-pay and post-pay segments. By
growing the portfolio with partnerships such as this, Orange is able
to provide customers with high quality, affordable handsets packed
with intuitive, useful and unique services and features.
Phones from this initial range will be available in more than 15
countries, with Romania and Poland launching by the end of 2011, and
more countries launching the handsets throughout 2012.
The range consists of three phones that make it easy for
customers to post and tag photos, comment on a friend's wall and sync
Facebook friends to their address book. The phones are the ALCATEL
ONE TOUCH 585F, ONE TOUCH 813F, and ONE TOUCH 908F (Orange Vancouver
in Romania).
"ALCATEL ONE TOUCH commits to expand our smart phone product
portfolio to enrich people's life with advanced features. We are
proud to be working with Orange and Facebook to deliver the first
range of phones as a result of this partnership," said Dr. George
Guo, CEO of TCL Communication Technology, which uses ALCATEL ONE
TOUCH as one of its brands. "These exclusive phones offer a fantastic
integrated social networking experience and dedicated 'f' key for
instant access and uploading, combining quality and affordability for
Orange customers."
*Notes to editors:
These devices will be available in Armenia, Botswana, Cameroon,
France, Ivory Coast, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Niger,
Poland, Reunion, Romania, Senegal, Spain, Tunisia and Uganda. Exact
launch dates will be announced locally at a later date, as may
further countries.
France Telecom is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and
on the New York Stock Exchange.
For more information (on the internet and on your mobile):,,
Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in
this material are trade marks of Orange Brand Services Limited,
Orange France or France Telecom.
ots Originaltext: Orange
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Orange Media Contacts: Jeff Sharpe +44-7887-620-901
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