EANS-News: OMV Aktiengesellschaft / Announcement in accordance with section 82
para 9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Geschrieben am 20-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Capital measures/OMV / Austria / Oil / Gas
Wien (euro adhoc) - Announcement in accordance with section 82 para 9
Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Transfer of treasury shares under the Long Term Incentive Plan 2009
OMV Aktiengesellschaft ("OMV" or "Company") intends to transfer
treasury shares to employees, senior executives and members of
the Executive Board of the Company as bonus shares under the Long
Term Incentive Plan 2009, based on the resolution of OMV´s
Supervisory Board of March 20, 2012 and the report pursuant to
section 65 para 1b in conjunction with sections 171 para 1 and 153
para 4 Stock Corporation Act which was published on March 5, 2012.
Therefore, the Company announces in accordance with section 82 para
9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act ("BörseG") in conjunction with
the Austrian Disclosure Regulation 2002 (BGBl II 2002/112,
"VeröffentlichungsV") the following:
1. Date of the resolution of the General Meeting pursuant to section
65 para 1b Austrian Stock Corporation Act: May 17, 2011.
2. Date and form of publication of the resolution of the General
Meeting: on May 17, 2011 electronically pursuant to section 82 para
9 in conjunction with para 8 BörseG and on the Company´s website
3. Commencement and envisaged duration of the transfer: the
transfer is expected to take place on April 2, 2012 and on March 31,
4. Class of shares concerned by the transfer: no-par value bearer
shares of OMV.
5. Envisaged volume (number of shares) and percentage of the treasury
shares to be transferred in relation to the registered share
capital: up to 194,809 no- par value bearer shares, corresponding
to up to approximately 0.06% of OMV´s registered share capital.
This number reflects the shares allocated under the Long Term
Incentive Plan 2009 before deduction of taxes and duties but after
deduction of allocations to senior executives who opted for a cash
settlement. OMV executive board members could not opt for a cash
6. Minimum and maximum consideration per share: none. The
shares will be transferred as bonus shares under a Long Term
Incentive Plan.
7. Manner and purpose of the transfer of treasury shares: over
the counter transfer to members of the Executive Board of the
Company and other senior executives of OMV Group under the Long
Term Incentive Plan 2009.
8. Effects on the stock exchange listing of the shares: none.
9. Number and allocation of shares to the individual current and
former board members of the Company and other employees and senior
executives of OMV Group (before deduction of taxes):
Gerhard Roiss: 39,906
David C. Davies: 27,362
Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer: 54,728
Helmut Langanger: 27,362
Werner Auli: 27,362
Other senior executives of OMV Group: 18,089
No shares are transferred to board members of affiliated companies of
The numbers of shares mentioned above are gross numbers of vested
shares. The actual number of transferred shares will be a net
amount after deduction of taxes and duties and will be published
after the transfer online on the website of OMV under
http://www.omv.com pursuant to section 7 VeröffentlichungsV.
Announcements of modifications to the intended transfer of
treasury shares (section 6 VeröffentlichungsV) and the publication
of actual transactions with treasury shares (section 7
VeröffentlichungsV) will only be made online on the website of OMV
under http://www.omv.com.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Lacramioara Diaconu
Tel. +43 1 40 440-21600
e-mail: investor.relations@omv.com
Media Relations:
Johannes Vetter
Tel. +43 1 40 440-21661
e-mail: media.relations@omv.com
Internet Homepage: http://www.omv.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Trabrennstraße 6-8
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43 1 40440/21600
FAX: +43 1 40440/621600
mail: investor.relations@omv.com
WWW: http://www.omv.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Downstream activities
ISIN: AT0000743059
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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