EANS-News: Epigenomics AG Announces Q1 2012 Financial Results and Operational
Geschrieben am 09-05-2012 |
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responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information/3-month report/molecular diagnostics
Berlin, Germany, and Seattle, WA, U.S.A., May 9, 2012 (euro adhoc) -
Epigenomics AG (Frankfurt Prime Standard: ECX), the German-American
cancer molecular diagnostics company, announced today its financial
results for the first quarter ending March 31, 2012.
Geert Nygaard, Chief Executive Officer of Epigenomics said: "During
the first quarter of 2012, we continued with U.S. registration
process for our colorectal cancer (CRC) screening assay, Epi
proColon® and so far submitted two of the four premarket approval
(PMA) modules to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We've
also embarked on an additional clinical study, a comparison of Epi
proColon® against fecal immunochemical testing (FIT), which is
necessary for our regulatory submission and are actively gearing up
our pre-commercialization activities. We are very pleased that
Septin9 testing was recognized and included in the Current Procedural
Terminology (CPT®) coding document issued by the American Medical
Association in 2012. Epigenomics remains focused on completing the
FDA submission later this year and on its ultimate goal of
introducing Epi proColon® as the first approved blood-based test for
the early detection of colorectal cancer in the U.S. market."
Q1 2012 Financial Results
* Revenue of EUR 0.2 million was lower than in Q1 of previous year
(EUR 0.6 million) when a one-off payment was recognized for granting
an option to Qiagen for a non-exclusive commercial license to
Epigenomics' proprietary methylated Septin9 biomarker. * R&D costs
decreased to EUR 1.4 million (Q1 2011: EUR 1.6 million) as a
consequence of the termination of early-stage research activities. *
SG&A costs dropped from EUR 1.6 million in Q1 2011 to EUR 1.4 million
in Q1 this year mainly due to the restructuring measures in the
marketing and sales departments. * EBIT amounted to EUR -2.3 million,
a 16.0% improvement compared with Q1 2011 (EUR -2.7 million). * Net
loss decreased by EUR 0.5 million compared to Q1 2011 to now EUR 2.3
million. * Cash consumption was EUR 2.5 million (Q1 2011: EUR 2.8
million), which included EUR 0.3 million related to the restructuring
in 2011 as well as increasing payments in connection with the
activities for the FDA approval process of Epi proColon® in the U.S.
* Liquidity at the end of the period amounted to EUR 11.5 million
(December 31, 2011: EUR 14.0 million).
Operational highlights
* In January 2012, Epigenomics announced the publication of a study
by Prof. Dr. Matthias Ebert (Medical Faculty Mannheim of the
University of Heidelberg) entitled "TFAP2E-DKK4 and Chemoresistance
in Colorectal Cancer" in The New England Journal of Medicine. In this
study, involving more than 200 patients in four cohorts, Prof. Dr.
Ebert and his team demonstrated that hypermethylation of the TFAP2E
gene was correlated with non-responsiveness to the commonly used
chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). This is one of the
first studies to identify a methylation-based biomarker for
resistance to chemotherapy. * In February 2012, Epigenomics announced
the results from a study conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dr.
Béla Molnár and his team (Semmelweis University in Budapest,
Hungary). In the study, the blood-based detection of methylated
Septin9 in CRC cases was assessed in the left and right side of the
colon in 184 patients and showed 96% sensitivity and 85% specificity.
Sensitivity for detection of left- and right-sided cases was 96% and
94% respectively, thus showing no significant difference between
cancer detection in either side of the colon. * Also, in February
2012, the Company announced the results from a clinical study with
the Epi proLung® BL assay conducted by Prof. Dr. Manfred Dietel and
his team (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany). Based on the
study results, Charité announced that the assay would be introduced
into its clinical practice as a routine aid in the diagnosis of lung
cancer in patients with negative or suspicious cytological results.
The results of this study will be presented by Prof. Dr. Dietel at
the Annual Meeting of the German Association of Pathologists in
Berlin in May 2012. * In March 2012, the Company announced the
results of a survey on CRC screening preferences conducted by
Jennifer Taber et al. (Department of Psychology, University of Utah,
Huntsman Cancer Institute, ARUP Laboratories). Given the performance
of the ARUP Septin9 test (90% sensitive, 89% specific; Warren et al.
2011) at a price of USD 180 for this test, the survey indicated that
two thirds of previously unscreened individuals would prefer a
Septin9 blood test to other screening methods. * In March 2012,
Epigenomics delivered the second module of its PMA submission to the
FDA, including the sections in relation to the hardware and software
validation of the instrumentation needed to run the test. The Company
has meanwhile responded to additional questions and remarks brought
forward by the FDA. The third module, relating to analytical
validation, is scheduled to be submitted still in Q2 2012 and the
final module, including all clinical data, is planned to be submitted
in H2 2012. A head-to-head comparative study with the goal of
demonstrating non-inferiority of Epi proColon® to FIT will be an
integral part of the clinical module. The design of the clinical
study has been discussed with the FDA and the study has been
initiated. The first study subject was enrolled into the study in
April 2012. * This year's Annual General Shareholders' Meeting (AGM)
of Epigenomics AG, which took place in Berlin on May 2, 2012, voted
with vast majority in favor of the proposed Supervisory Board changes
regarding size (reduction from six to three members) and composition.
The Supervisory Board members Ann Clare Kessler, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr.
Günther Reiter were confirmed by the AGM for a further term. . Mr.
Heino von Prondzynski was elected by a large majority as new member
to the Supervisory Board. In its constitutive session, the newly
elected Supervisory Board appointed Mr. von Prondzynski as its
Outlook for 2012
* At the upcoming Digestive Disease Week (DDW) in San Diego, CA from
May 19-22, 2012, Epigenomics will be hosting a corporate booth.
Furthermore, the results from the studies on Septin9 conducted by
Prof. Dr. Béla Molnár and collaborators from the Semmelweis
University in Budapest, Hungary will be presented in poster sessions
at DDW. * Throughout 2012, Epigenomics is and will continue to
entertain active dialogs with screening guideline inclusion groups,
reimbursement authorities, and has begun the process of speaking with
patient advocacy constituents. * In line with the previous guidance,
product sales from IVD diagnostic products remained at a modest level
during Q1 2012. Epigenomics continues to seek potential licensing and
distribution partners as well as key account customers for its
products. Product-derived revenue is expected to be at modest levels
prior to the U.S. approval of Epi proColon®. * A critically important
strategic goal for 2012 remains securing the future of the business,
since the scarcity of funds might pose a potential threat to the
execution of Epigenomics' plans. The Company is currently evaluating
all options available, including the possibility to secure additional
financing through a capital markets transaction.
2012 Digestive Disease Week Poster Details and other Activities
Epigenomics AG will be hosting a corporate booth No. 1355, Halls A-C,
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
Poster presentations:
Session: Biomarkers of GI Cancers (P8225)
Details: Sunday, May 20, 2012,8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. PT
Location: San Diego Convention Center,Halls C-G
Title: Plasma Methylated Sept9 Is a Screening Marker in Both Left-
and Right-Sided Colon Cancer. Comparison to FOBT and CEA Results Lead
Author: Professor Dr. Kinga Toth from the 2nd Department of Internal
Medicine of Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary Abstract No.
Title: Sept9 DNA Methylation in Healthy, Adenoma and Colorectal
Cancer Patients: a Comparison Between Tissue and Plasma Specimens
Lead Author: Professor Dr. Kinga Toth from the 2nd Department of
Internal Medicine of Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary
Abstract No. Su1892
Further Information
The full 3-Months Financial Report 2012 can be obtained from our
website under: http://www.epigenomics.com/en/news-investors/investors
- Ends -
Contact Epigenomics AG
Antje Zeise
Manager IR | PR
Epigenomics AG
Tel +49 (0) 30 24345 368
About Epigenomics
Epigenomics (www.epigenomics.com) is a molecular diagnostics company
developing and commercializing a pipeline of proprietary products for
cancer. The Company's products enable doctors to diagnose cancer
earlier and more accurately, leading to improved outcomes for
patients. Epigenomics' lead product, Epi proColon®, is a blood-based
test for the early detection of colorectal cancer, which is currently
marketed in Europe and is in development for the U.S.A. The Company's
technology and products have been validated through multiple
partnerships with leading global diagnostic companies including
Abbott, QIAGEN, Sysmex, and Quest Diagnostics. Epigenomics is an
international company with operations in Europe and the U.S.A.
Epigenomics legal disclaimer
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain
forward-looking statements concerning Epigenomics AG and its
business. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors which could cause the actual results,
financial condition, performance or achievements of Epigenomics AG to
be materially different from any future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
Epigenomics AG is providing this communication as of this date and
does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained
herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
The information contained in this communication does not constitute
nor imply an offer to sell or transfer any product, and no product
based on this technology is currently available for sale by
Epigenomics in the United States or Canada. The analytical and
clinical performance characteristics of any Epigenomics product based
on this technology which may be sold at some future time in the U.S.
have not been established.
Further inquiry note:
Antje Zeise | CIRO
Manager IR/PR
Epigenomics AG
Tel: +49 30 24345 386
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Epigenomics AG
Kleine Präsidentenstraße 1
D-10178 Berlin
phone: +49 30 24345-0
FAX: +49 30 24345-555
mail: ir@epigenomics.com
WWW: http://www.epigenomics.com
sector: Biotechnology
ISIN: DE000A1K0516
indexes: Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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