EANS-News: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft / BAUER AG performing fully to plan after
first quarter
Geschrieben am 15-05-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/quarterly report/3-month report
Subtitle: • Total Group revenues up 10.6 percent to EUR 340.0 million
• Orders in hand up 12.0 percent to EUR 751.6 million • After-tax
loss of EUR 4.8 million as expected due to seasonal factors; EBIT of
EUR 6.2 million slightly down year-on-year • Full-year forecast for
2012 reaffirmed
Schrobenhausen (euro adhoc) - International construction engineering
and machinery manufacturing concern BAUER Aktiengesellschaft is
performing fully to plan as at the end of first quarter 2012. Total
Group revenues rose in the first three months of the year by 10.6
percent from EUR 307.5 million to EUR 340.0 million. Orders in hand
increased by 12.0 percent to EUR 751.6 million (previous year: EUR
671.3 million). The increase is primarily related to large-scale
construction projects.
As expected, the BAUER Group had to combat the after-effects of last
year's disturbances, which hampered results. Weather conditions also
had an effect, as did the usual seasonal tendency of customers to be
cautious in placing orders at the start of the year. This is a trend
that has increased due to the financial turbulence of recent years.
As a consequence, earnings were slightly down against the previous
year comparative period. While EBIT (earnings before interest and
taxes) of EUR 6.2 million was only slightly down on the previous year
comparative of EUR 6.7 million, an after-tax loss of EUR 4.8 million
was made (previous year: after-tax loss of EUR 2.6 million). This is
in line with the normal seasonal trend in the Group's business,
featuring a weaker start to the year which is then balanced out over
the subsequent months.
Business segments
With its three segments - Construction, Equipment and Resources - the
Group operates a widely diversified yet well-balanced business model
and an international network.
The Construction segment has had a good start to the year. Major
projects in Hong Kong and Malaysia, especially, contributed to a 26.1
percent rise in total Group revenues from EUR 124.4 million to EUR
156.9 million. A further factor was that massive disturbances
relating to the "Arab Spring" had resulted in relatively low revenues
last year. A better ratio of fixed costs to revenues resulted in an
improvement in EBIT from EUR -1.3 million to EUR 2.2 million.
The Equipment segment continued to feel the impact of customers
showing restraint in their investments. The machinery business booked
slightly fewer orders in the first quarter, and its total Group
revenues of EUR 140.7 million were 12.0 percent down against the
previous year comparative quarter. Segment EBIT fell by EUR 4.4
million to EUR 4.9 million.
The Resources segment increased its total Group revenues by 48.6
percent to EUR 58.1 million (previous year: EUR 39.1 million).
Segment EBIT was depressed by problems on a well-drilling project in
Jordan, and at EUR -0.6 million was slightly down against last year.
Orders in hand and outlook
Orders in hand increased in the reporting period by 12.0 percent to
EUR 751.6 million (previous year: EUR 671.3 million). This growth was
driven mainly by the Construction segment, which increased its orders
in hand by 25.2 percent to EUR 463.0 million thanks to ongoing
large-scale projects. Orders in hand in the Equipment segment
totalling EUR 133.6 million were virtually unchanged against the
previous year comparative quarter (EUR 133.8 million). Chairman of
the Management Board Professor Thomas Bauer comments: "The growth in
the Equipment segment is being driven primarily by new products. We
see particularly high potential in our large-diameter rotary drilling
rigs, in our new deep drilling rigs for extracting oil, gas and
water, and in our new developments for offshore foundations. The
great interest in our specialist machinery was demonstrated by the
in-house exhibition we held in early May at our home base in
Schrobenhausen, which attracted 2,200 visitors." The Resources
segment has outstandingly high levels of orders in hand: as at the
end of the first quarter they totalled EUR 155.0 million, compared to
EUR 167.8 million at the same date last year. All in all, the Group
recorded a healthy order intake totalling EUR 341.6 million (previous
year: EUR 363.9 million).
BAUER AG has reaffirmed its full-year forecast for 2012, and
according to the performance data currently available expects to
achieve total Group revenues of EUR 1,450 million, profit after tax
of around EUR 35 million, and EBIT of around EUR 85 million.
Our full Interim Report, including a detailed analysis of the
individual segments and markets, can be found on our website at
About Bauer
Bauer is a provider of services, machinery and ancillary products for
ground and groundwater. The Group markets its products and services
all over the world. Its global spread allows it to remain largely
unaffected by fluctuating business cycles.
Its business is divided into three segments: Construction, Equipment
and Resources. The Construction segment carries out specialist
foundation engineering work for complex excavation pits and
foundations on major infrastructure and building projects all over
the world, installing cut-off walls and carrying out ground
improvement works as well as providing related project development
services. Bauer's Equipment segment, a world market leader, offers a
comprehensive range of construction machinery, equipment and tools
for the specialist foundation engineering sector as well as for other
underground drilling operations, such as for mines, water wells,
geothermal energy sources, and oil and gas extraction. The Resources
segment pools the Group's activities in the fields of water, energy,
mineral resources and environmental technology.
Bauer profits greatly from the collaboration between its three
separate segments, enabling the Group to position itself as an
innovative, highly specialized provider of complete solutions and
services for demanding projects on the specialist foundation
engineering and related markets.
Founded in 1790, Bauer today generates around three quarters of its
total revenues outside of Germany. Employing some 9,700 people, the
Group's total revenues in 2011 were approximately EUR 1.4 billion
(previous year: EUR 1.3 billion). BAUER Aktiengesellschaft has been
listed on the official market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since
July 4, 2006 (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005168108).
You can also visit us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BAUERGruppe
GROUP KEY FIGURES January - March 2012 (IFRS)
| |2011 |2012 |Change |
| |in EUR million |in EUR million | |
|Total Group revenues |307.5 |340.0 |+10.6 % |
|of which | | | |
|- Germany |70.2 |82.2 |+17.0 % |
|- International |237.3 |257.8 |+8.7 % |
|of which | | | |
|- Construction |124.4 |156.9 |+26.1 % |
|- Equipment |159.8 |140.7 |-12.0 % |
|- Resources |39.1 |58.1 |+48.6 % |
|- Other/Consolidation |-15.8 |-15.6 |n/a |
|Consolidated revenues |301.0 |328.4 |+9.1 % |
|Sales revenues |255.4 |286.2 |+12.1 % |
|Orders received |363.9 |341.6 |-6.1 % |
|Orders in hand |671.3 |751.6 |+12.0 % |
|EBITDA |25.5 |28.1 |+10.2 % |
|EBITDA margin (as % of sales |10.0 % |9.8 % |n/a |
|revenues) | | | |
|EBIT |6.7 |6.2 |-7.5 % |
|EBIT margin (as % of sales |2.6 % |2.2 % |n/a |
|revenues) | | | |
|Net profit or loss |-2.6 |-4.8 |n/a |
|Shareholders' equity |430.7 |462.2 |+7.3 % |
|Equity ratio |30.7 % |29.5 % |n/a |
|Earnings per share in EUR |-0.19 |-0.27 |n/a |
|Employees (on average over the |9,653 |10,032 |+3.9 % |
|year) | | | |
Further inquiry note:
Christopher Wolf
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 8252 97 1797
E-Mail: christopher.wolf@bauer.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft
BAUER-Straße 1
D-86529 Schrobenhausen
phone: +49 (0)8252-97-1797
FAX: +49 (0)8252-97-2900
mail: investor.relations@bauer.de
WWW: http://www.bauer.de
sector: Construction & Property
ISIN: DE0005168108
indexes: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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