
EANS-DD: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA / Notification concerning transactions by persons performing managerial responsibilities pursuant to section 15a of the WpHG

Geschrieben am 21-05-2012

Notification concerning transactions by persons discharging managerial
responsibilities pursuant to section 15a of the WpHG, transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.

Details of the person subject to the disclosure requirement:

Person, triggering the disclosure:
Name: Dr. h.c. Christoph Henkel
(natural person)

Reason for the disclosure requirement:
Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities
Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body

Details of the transaction:

Description of financial instrument: preferred shares

ISIN: DE 0006048432
Type of transaction: purchase/sale of options
Date: 14.05.2012
Currency: Euro
Price: non-numeric
No of items: 250000
Place: off market
Explanation: Share Collar Option: Purchase of put options, sale of call
options in order to hedge 250,000 preferred shares. Strike
price put option: 40.00 euros per share. Strike price call
option: 63.01 euros per share. Maturity May 17, 2013.

Description of the derivative:

Type of derivative:
Underlying ISIN: DE 0006048432
Underlying Descr: preferred share
Strike price: 0.00000
Expiration date: May 17, 2013
Price multiplier: 1.00000

Further inquiry note:
Heinz Nicolas
Tel.: +49 (0)211 797-4516
E-Mail: heinz.nicolas@henkel.com

Issuer subject to the publication requirement:

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Henkelstr. 67
D-40191 Düsseldorf
phone: +49 (0)211 797-0
FAX: +49 (0)211 798-4008
WWW: http://www.henkel.com
sector: Consumer Goods
ISIN: DE0006048432, DE0006048408
indexes: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English


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