EANS-News: Hönle generates semi-annual operating result of Mio. EUR 3.1
Geschrieben am 25-05-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Gräfeling/München (euro adhoc) - The Hönle Group's sales revenues
increased 4.6 % to TEUR 18,404 in the second quarter of the current
financial year, compares with the period of the previous year.
Despite the increase in sales revenues, the Hönle Group was affected
by restrained purchasing activities in the printing segment in the
run-up to the largest print trade fair, Drupa. The Hönle Group's
operating result came to TEUR 2,268 (PY: TEUR 2,865) and the
consolidated result was TEUR 1,629 (PY: TEUR 1,943) in the second
In the first six months of the financial year 2011/2012 revenues
improved 6.5 %, compared with the previous year, to TEUR 34,177.
Value adjustments in the first quarter respecting receivables from
the insolvent Manroland AG (EUR 1.1 million) contributed to a
decrease in the operating result (EBIT). The EBIT stood at TEUR 3,099
in the first half of the current financial year, down from TEUR 4,981
reported in the prior-year period. Earnings before tax (EBT) amounted
to TEUR 2,981, down from TEUR 4,833 in the previous year, while
consolidated net income came to TEUR 2,013, after TEUR 3,390 in the
previous year. This corresponds to earnings per share of EUR 0.35
(PY: EUR 0.60).
The Hönle Group's operating cash flow was TEUR 2,614 in the first six
months of 2011/2012. The Hönle Group's equity capital ratio stood at
57.4 %.
Outlook: Hönle Group's sales and earnings in the third quarter are
expected to be lower than in the second quarter. This is attributable
to the restrained purchasing behaviour usually observed in the run-up
to the Drupa trade fair and to the repercussions of Manroland AG's
insolvency. Moreover, a decline in the Raesch Group's incoming
orders in the semiconductors and photovoltaics segments are expected
to lead to a temporary decrease in sales.
Hönle Group foresees higher sales as from the fourth quarter as a
consequence of the Drupa trade fair. Hönle expects increasing sales
in the offset and digital printing segments. The mood at the Drupa
trade fair was largely assessed as good by market participants, and
the companies participating in the trade fair were satisfied with the
development of the fair. Hönle also projects a significant recovery
in the quartz glass market in the fourth quarter and expects higher
sales revenues for the Raesch Group.
The Management Board aims at achieving sales revenues of EUR 75
million and an operating result of EUR 8 million for the Hönle Group
in the 2011/2012 financial year.
Managed by the Langley Group, Manroland Sheetfed GmbH is now
considered to be a solid company, which has emerged from the
insolvency with a new organisational structure. Following the Drupa
trade fair, Manroland Sheetfed views the future with optimism, and
the Hönle Group also expects good business development with respect
to Manroland.
The Hönle Group's business activities presently focus on integration
of the Raesch Group into the Hönle Group. This includes the
centralisation of the IT, accounting and controlling divisions. The
focus is also on the capacity utilisation of the melting furnaces, in
particular the melting furnaces of Raesch Germany, which will start
operations in this financial year. In this context, it is important
to intensify the sales activities, in particular the management of
the distribution partners, in order to expand the Raesch Group's
market share in the quartz glass tubing segment. To increase earnings
power, all expense areas are currently being analysed and
corresponding measures, which will probably be completed this year,
are being initiated. It is also planned to relocate manufacturing
stages to Malta with a view to decreasing manufacturing costs by
using the production plants in Malta. By means of the above mentioned
measures, the Raesch Group is now paving the way for a successful
2012/2013 financial year.
The integration of Mitronic is being pushed ahead further. The
determination of new processes ensures the products' high quality
level. The stepping up of sales activities is to open up new sales
opportunities in the lighting technology and sunlight simulation
To sum up, it is assumed that the repercussions of Manroland AG's
insolvency will impact perceptibly on Hönle Group's business
development in the 2011/2012 financial year, but, in all, this impact
is nevertheless expected to be limited. Owing to the restructuring of
Manroland Sheetfed in conjunction with the new solvent investor,
Hönle expects positive business development in the sheetfed offset
segment in the future. As from the fourth quarter, Hönle also expects
positive sales and earnings effects at the Raesch Group on account of
two new melting furnaces starting operations and the realisation of
new projects. With respect to the adhesives segment, Hönle projects
an increase in fourth quarter sales revenues in the adhesive
applications segment for smart phones and smart cards.
About Hönle: Dr. Hönle AG is a listed technology company with head
office in Gräfelfing near Munich. With a staff level of nearly 500
employees, the Hönle Group is one of the world's leading systems
suppliers in the UV technology segment. The equipment is used for
drying inks and coatings, curing adhesives and plastics, disinfecting
surfaces, and for the simulation of natural sunlight. The Company's
business activities focus also on the development and sale of
industrial adhesives and casting compounds. In addition, the group
produces UV lamps particularly for water disinfection and
manufactures tubes and semi-finished products made of quartz glass,
which are used in different branches of industry. The Group is
represented worldwide at 50 locations in more than 20 countries by
own companies and sales partners.
Further inquiry note:
Peter Weinert
Tel.: +49 89 85608 173
E-Mail: peter.weinert@hoenle.de
Web: www.hoenle.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Dr. Hönle AG
Lochhamer Schlag 1
D-82166 Gräfeling/München
phone: +49 89 85608 0
FAX: +49 89 85608 101
mail: ir@hoenle.de
WWW: www.hoenle.de
sector: Instrument Engineering
ISIN: DE0005157101
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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