
PokerStars Obtains Gaming License for Spain

Geschrieben am 04-06-2012

Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) -


The world's largest online poker site adds a Spanish license
to its growing


PokerStars has been awarded a license to operate in Spain and
will launch http://www.PokerStars.es on June 5 to serve the Spanish
online poker market, the company announced today.

"Spain is a very important poker market and features some of the
best players in the world," said Gino Appiotti, President of Licensed
Markets - Spain, Italy and France, for PokerStars. "As the most
popular online poker site in the world, we are very happy to provide
the best variety of games, the safest and most secure online play and
our world-class software to the market."

Obtaining a license to operate in Spain underlines PokerStars'
commitment to be among the first companies to enter regulated markets
when licenses become available. PokerStars operates the leading
online poker site in the world and has developed the largest
community of poker players through its online sites, sponsorship of
live poker tournaments and production of poker television

Spanish regulations now permit residents to play online poker
with licensed operators. Spanish players can compete only against
other Spanish players as required by the recently passed online
gaming law.

"Spain is home to some of the best poker players in the world,"
said Juan Manuel Pastor, a member of the Spanish Team PokerStars Pro.
"I'm looking forward to playing on http://www.PokerStars.es and
competing against players from across the country."

PokerStars adds Spain to its growing list of licenses that
currently includes France, Denmark, Italy, Estonia, Belgium, Malta
and the Isle of Man. As an industry leader, PokerStars provides a
safe and secure environment for players and fans to compete in an
array of innovative and traditional poker games and tournaments.

About PokerStars:

PokerStars operates PokerStars.com [http://www.pokerstars.com ],
the world's most popular online poker site that serves the world's
largest poker community, with more than 49 million registered members
since it launched in December 2001. It's the first choice of the
world's top players, with more daily tournaments than anywhere else,
and with the best security online. More hands have been dealt on
PokerStars.com than any other site; that's over 80 billion hands and
more than 550 million tournaments played.

PokerStars.com and PokerStars.eu operate worldwide under licenses
from the Isle of Man and Malta governments, respectively. PokerStars
also operates under separate government licenses in Denmark, France,
Italy, Belgium and Estonia.

ots Originaltext: PokerStars.com
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

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