EANS-Adhoc: KTM AG / Pierer GmbH indirectly takes control over CROSS Industries
Geschrieben am 14-06-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Pierer GmbH indirectly takes control over CROSS Industries AG and KTM
AG Syndicate agreement between Knünz GmbH and Pierer GmbH triggers
obligation of CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH to make a mandatory
The Executive Board of KTM AG, which shares are listed on the
Regulated Market (Geregelter Freiverkehr) of the Vienna Stock
Exchange, was informed by CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH that Knünz
GmbH and Pierer GmbH entered into a syndicate agreement regarding the
exercise of voting rights in Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH on 13
June 2012. The signing of the syndicate agreement leads from joint
control of Pierer GmbH and Knünz GmbH over Pierer Invest Beteiligungs
GmbH to sole control of Pierer GmbH over Pierer Invest Beteiligungs
GmbH, and, as a consequence, to sole control of Pierer GmbH over
CROSS Industries AG, CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH and KTM AG.
This leads to a change of control in KTM AG.
CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH informed the Executive Board of KTM
AG pursuant to §5(3) of the Austrian Take Over Act that by signing of
the syndicate agreement circumstances have arisen which trigger CROSS
KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH's obligation to make a mandatory bid for
the shares in KTM AG pursuant to the Austrian Take Over Act.
According to the information given by CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding
GmbH, the price of the mandatory bid is expected to be EUR 44.00 per
The takeover bid causes a high risk of a termination of the trading
of the KTM shares in the Regulated Market (Geregleter Freiverkehr) of
the Vienna Stock Exchange due to the minimum free-float requirements.
In case the minimum free-float requirements cannot be maintained in a
sustainable way the executive board of KTM AG will notify the exit of
the KTM shares from the Regulated Market (Geregelter Freiverkehr) of
the Vienna Stock Exchange pursuant to § 83/4 of the Austrian Stock
Exchange Act. In case of an exit of the KTM shares from the Regulated
Market (Geregelter Freiverkehr) of the Vienna Stock Exchange the
executive board of KTM AG will cause a trading of the KTM shares in
the Third Market (Dritter Markt) of the Vienna Stock Exchange. KTM
AG expressly points out that after the exit of the KTM shares from
the Regulated Market (Geregelter Freiverkehr) of the Vienna Stock
Exchange the provisions of the Austrian Takeover Act will cease to
Further inquiry note:
Mag. Viktor Sigl MBA
Tel: +43 7742 6000 144
Mail to: viktor.sigl@ktm.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: KTM AG
Stallhofnerstraße 3
A-5230 Mattighofen
phone: +43(0)7742/6000-0
FAX: +43(0)7742/6000-5216
mail: ir@ktmpowersports.com
WWW: www.ktm.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: AT0000645403
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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