Cryo-Save's Cost-Free Donation Programme Serves Families in Need
Geschrieben am 03-07-2012 |
Zutphen, The Netherlands (ots/PRNewswire) -
Free of charge, Cryo-Save's programme gives the opportunity to
treat a family member diagnosed with a life-threatening disease
treatable with stem cells.
Cryo-Save, the leading international family stem cell bank, shows
continuous commitment to its corporate social responsibility
programme. Family and children's health is the company's number one
priority. The Cryo-Save Cost-Free Family Donation Programme is
specifically designed to offer families in need the collection and
cryopreservation of their newborn's umbilical cord blood stem cells.
Free of charge, it gives the opportunity to treat a family member
diagnosed with a life-threatening disease treatable with stem cells.
This includes diseases such as Sickle Cell Anaemia and some forms of
Arnoud van Tulder, CEO of Cryo-Save: "Our goal is to help as many
families as possible with the stem cells they store with Cryo-Save.
Through our Cost-Free Donation Programme, we offer direct help to
families in need. This is very important for us; being able to apply
our knowledge and expertise to help save lives!"
Thanks to Cryo-Save's international reach and more than 40 local
offices which are in touch with their communities' needs, each
country is striving to make a positive difference in their community.
The Cost-Free Donation Programme is promoted in each country. Among
other activities, the company recently supported two fundraising
events: Cryo-Save's Netherlands office sponsored a cycling event
organised by the Alpe d'HuZes Cancer Rehabilitation (A-CaRe)
programme, which aims to develop and implement rehabilitation
programmes for specific cancer patients and survivor groups in the
Netherlands. Cryo-Save Serbia is supporting the NGO Everything for a
Smile where children suffering from renal diseases are invited to
enjoy a rare weekend in nature.
Along with its continuous efforts to educate the general public
about stem cells, Cryo-Save strives to make a difference in people's
lives and encourages all its employees to consider the impact their
work makes on the environment and local communities.
Cryo-Save, the leading international family stem cell bank,
stores more than 200,000 samples from umbilical cord blood, cord
tissue and adipose tissue. There are already many diseases treatable
by the use of stem cells, and the number of treatments will only
increase. Driven by its international business strategy, Cryo-Save is
now represented in over 40 countries on three continents, with
ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in Arabia, Belgium,
Germany, India and South Africa.
ots Originaltext: Cryo-Save AG
Im Internet recherchierbar:
More information: Ashley Ringger, Marketing Project Manager,, Tel. +41-55-222-0251
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