Is Flexibility the Secret to Growth?
Geschrieben am 03-07-2012 |
Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) -
EFQM announces the launch of a revised management framework
"The world is evolving quickly; so should our business models,"
says EFQM's Chief Executive Officer Pierre Cachet. The EFQM
Excellence Model is developed by leading European organisations. It
is used by over 30,000 companies across Europe and it is due to be
revised to ensure it continues to reflect reality.
After its last revision in 2010, we have assessed 1633
organisations. Based on these analyses we conclude that, in order to
excel, organisations need to focus on being flexible; to quickly and
systematically identify and exploit opportunities to grow. The
revised EFQM Excellence Model will reflect the need to transition
from a disciplined to an agile corporate culture. Through our review,
we hope to spur organisations to build flexible corporate structures.
"It's an evolution, not a revolution," declares Chief Operating
Officer and project leader, Matt Fisher. "It is important for
economic recovery that organisations and their leaders take
responsibility and drive transformation, focusing on sustainability,
future talent and taking a more strategic approach towards risk
management. These are just a few examples of components that will
receive more attention in our 2013 Model version. We will also
simplify our management framework, making it easier for people to
understand and implement."
The new Model will be announced on the 10th of October at EFQM's
annual Forum in Brussels.
About EFQM Excellence Model
The EFQM Excellence Model is a framework to drive and stimulate
continuous improvement. It is a tool that brings together all the
different components of your management system (i.e. leadership, HR,
Sustainability, customer results partnerships, etc.), giving you an
overview of your current strengths and opportunities to grow. The
Model and our Foundation was developed and is still maintained by
leading European organisations, such as BMW, Ricoh and Solvay. Over
30,000 organisations in Europe currently use the Model to increase
their performance and competitiveness.
About EFQM
To help you implement our Model, we provide training, assessment
tools and recognition. However our real talent comes from gathering
good practices and integrating those within our portfolio. EFQM, a
not-for-profit membership Foundation, aims to share what works,
through case studies, online seminars, working groups, conferences
and thematic events. We nurture a network of world-class
organisations and their leaders who share our passion for business
ots Originaltext: EFQM
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